Got a a Desk Hit on my Foot really hard now its Blue really Blue

It's not a tumor ... it's a hematoma.
The fact that you can't feel much suggests the nerve is being squeezed.
Which means you need a doctor, like, an hour ago.
Why are you paranoid about seeing a doctor?
Were you having a mad forbidden romance with the chair, when the desk found you?

Can-a-beer, you should change your name to butta 'cause you're on a roll today =)
I haven't made it past the first post yet.

"[h=2]got a a desk hit on my foot really hard now its blue really blue[/h]
and i got a desk over my foot and i worried my whole leg feels fulle dof blood it really groose it dosent even hurt that the wierd part "

Uh what? you got a a desk hit on your foot? and you got a desk over your foot? leg fulled of blood? it's groose?

I haven't made it past the first post yet.

"got a a desk hit on my foot really hard now its blue really blue

and i got a desk over my foot and i worried my whole leg feels fulle dof blood it really groose it dosent even hurt that the wierd part "

Uh what? you got a a desk hit on your foot? and you got a desk over your foot? leg fulled of blood? it's groose?​

I was worried that the embolus had already Tetrised its way into the brain cavity ... but upon closer reading i figured out that OP's first language ain't English. cn