got a 4'x2'x7' grow cab with 400w hps what cfm exhaust fan do i need

Do some reading, its not difficult to work out. Here is my advice to you as far as venting a tent is concerned. Get a 6" inline fan and a fan speed controller. Run a passive intake. The overkill fan will allow you to dial in the cfm's to whereever you want them. I reccommend the 6" over 4" becuase you wont need to upgrade it in the future, they arent much more money and when slowed down using a controller they arent loud at all.

smokem up

Active Member
got a 8'' hole in top corner with cheap exhaust fan think 1 might get a 8" exhaust and 6"inlet what uz reckon its summer here now


Well-Known Member
az it says can some1 work out what cfm exhaust fan i need and what cfm inlet cheers:leaf:
I also use a 400watt hps & have a 165cfm attached to it along with a 45cfm intake fan for the cabinet all connected with 4 inch pipe

Has been working just fine for 2 years