Got 1g. of 90.4% pure Bromadol coming in...


Well-Known Member
Well once again its time to get going again and start making money. I mean Christmas is right around the corner and my wife spends spends spends. So I bought some more Bromadol from a lab. Its gotten quite a bit more expensive then the good old days. I see nothing but good times and money ahead from now on(I dont know how many times I have said that before and was dead wrong)
thats that analog thats like10000 times more potent than morphine right? do you dose that? mcg in a pill?
yea we adulterate it via liquifying it with lactose. Once both are liquid we blend and then dehydrate back to solid form. Then sell in powder form
Its definitely been used by humans. A person I know in Montreal was raided last year for making acetyl fentanyl and also seized was bromadol
Can you ballpark it, please?

Two reasons, one Ive never heard of this stuff, and two wonder what the risk/reward is...
Say your selling in 10ucg(mcg) doses, meaning 10ucg of bromadol out of 100mg total weight(the 100mg total weight reflects the adulterant put with it). so anyways there are 1 million ucg per 1g. so off of 1g of bromadol your looking at 100,000 doses. Of course this is only 90.4% pure bromadol so it will be a little less then 100,000 doses. Plus we sell it in bulk as well. So it really depends on how much you cut it and how big of increments your selling in.
Hmmm, cool, not trying to get too much in your shit, tell me to fuck off if I am, but how long to get rid of 100K doses, even if wholesaling?
We dont make up 100,000 doses Im just saying you could. We do sell some like that but we also sell in bigger quantities and those bigger quantities are left in a solid rock form so the customer can turn around and do what he wants with it
Its definitely been used by humans. A person I know in Montreal was raided last year for making acetyl fentanyl and also seized was bromadol
Ehhh, I dunno man I'm all about profit but I don't want to give something to someone that could cause cancer or kidney failure or whatever the fuck...but I guess j-z said it best, I'll just stfu now
Ehhh, I dunno man I'm all about profit but I don't want to give something to someone that could cause cancer or kidney failure or whatever the fuck...but I guess j-z said it best, I'll just stfu now
not many things will cause organ failure in the tens of mivrogam levels.
I kind of want to try this stuff. I never got around to order any when the trans-bromadol site was up last year. I'm worried that I might like the effects and price tag too much