Gorw #2 Blue Mystic Auto's


Well-Known Member
Well the ladies are 13 1/2 weeks old and have been in flower for 6 weeks. I have a couple plants that the pistols have all dried up and turned orange and brown on. So I have the scope out and I'm on trich watch as soon as I get 50% amber trichs they are getting cut down. Since my blues share the tent with the monster and I'm trying things others have mentioned to help this bitch finish I have changed the light schedual to 10 on and 14 off, it has been about three days now and my blues crystal production has increased and the monster is beginning to show more crystal production.


Well-Known Member
So I'm in to what I think is my last few weeks with the Blues, just pulled them out so I can do a res change...
Next Grow S 002.jpgNext Grow S 003.jpgNext Grow S 004.jpgNext Grow S 005.jpgNext Grow S 006.jpgNext Grow S 007.jpgNext Grow S 008.jpgNext Grow S 009.jpgNext Grow S 010.jpgNext Grow S 011.jpgNext Grow S 012.jpgNext Grow S 013.jpgNext Grow S 014.jpgNext Grow S 015.jpgNext Grow S 016.jpgNext Grow S 018.jpgNext Grow S 019.jpgNext Grow S 020.jpgNext Grow S 021.jpgNext Grow S 022.jpgNext Grow S 023.jpgNext Grow S 024.jpg It looks like I got some crystals and the smell is so thick...


Well-Known Member
Looks fantastic...really admire how you've kept most of your foliage...bet it's going to be an awesome smoke!


Well-Known Member
Well I pinched a few small buds down low and dried them out natural the Girlfriend smoked them this morning and only complained of no oder or taste, "But I got a BUZZZ!" so with a little cure time I'm sure they will come around for her...lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn txchilles, your BM's are looking pretty good friend...........exactly how many days into flower(12/12) are you w the BM's????..............great job on those (sat) monsters


Well-Known Member
Thanks PSUAGRO, they are 6 1/2 weeks in flower. After reading Amaximus's thread about the troubles he has had finishing his sativa I took some info from that and droped my lighting times to 10/14. It has been 4 days now and the BM's have exploded from it as a result of trying to get the tent monster headed to finish. But most of the buds are popcorn, there are a few tops that grew and did something, But I don't think I'll get the yeild I was wanting.


Well-Known Member
Well it has come to cuttin days, I started last night and went as long as my hands could go. The tent monster is cut and drying.
Next Grow W 002.jpgNext Grow W 003.jpgNext Grow W 004.jpgNext Grow W 005.jpg These are the first branches I trimmed.
Next Grow W 001.jpgNext Grow W 006.jpgNext Grow W 007.jpgNext Grow W 008.jpgNext Grow W 009.jpg This is what I had left to trim this morning.
Next Grow W 011.jpgNext Grow W 012.jpgNext Grow W 014.jpgNext Grow W 015.jpg A box of bud, this is my ghetto drying box.


Well-Known Member
Grats on the harvest,

Tx, A smart man (thanks puff!) once gave me a tip about hanging branches. You can save yourself a little time and make life slightly easier if you leave a small bud/branch at the end of your main branch and just hang that over your string. Like you would hang a wishbone one the side of a cup to dry. Like and inverted "V". This way you can cut, hang, cut, hang, cut, hang without messing with clothes pins.

Hope that makes sense. :-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks Amaximus, I do that normally but these braches were so long I had to cut them to get them in the box. It just happend that there were no small branches to hang from. Can't wait for it to dry so I can see how much there is. This monster is by far the largest yeid I have had to date. And I have 2 clones out in the wild or the Secret Garden that just started to bud and one is 4 ft tall.


Well-Known Member
The branches on what I have cut of my Blue Mystics cracked last night when I checked them so I pulled them and clipped the buds. The clone that I took and grew outdoors gave me 4.6 grams, and the first 3 from the tote came to 19.3 grams for a total of 23.9 grams. I put it in a quart jar to cure, and the smell is awsome and the little buds are so sticky.


Well-Known Member
These are the last 2 plants to cut and trim, I plucked all the large fan leaves and have unplugged the lights so they will be in the dark for the next 48 to 72 hours till I harvest.
Next Grow Y 001.jpgNext Grow Y 002.jpgNext Grow Y 003.jpgNext Grow Y 004.jpgNext Grow Y 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well it has come to cuttin days, I started last night and went as long as my hands could go. The tent monster is cut and drying.
View attachment 2282129View attachment 2282130View attachment 2282131View attachment 2282132 These are the first branches I trimmed.
View attachment 2282133View attachment 2282134View attachment 2282135View attachment 2282136View attachment 2282137 This is what I had left to trim this morning.
View attachment 2282138View attachment 2282139View attachment 2282140View attachment 2282141 A box of bud, this is my ghetto drying box.
Well, I checked it out last night and I'm surprized at how fast it all dried. Clipped it off the stems and weighed it out, though it looks like alot it weighed out to 56.4 grams. Still by far the most I have grown at one time.


Well-Known Member
I'm so happy for you....I bet they are so sticky! They must all smell so great when you open that jar :) Congrats on your harvest buddy....it all uphill from here ;)


Well-Known Member
I'll never grow this strain again, and I'm not to sure about doin auto's again. I believe I'll try more 12/12 from seed before auto's, it's proved an effective method.


Well-Known Member
happy its harvest time. as I see everything is going ok keep up the good work
Thanks man, appreciate it. It has been a long grow and the rewards aren't that great but ya live and learn. Got a couple other things going but I'm going to take a break for awhile and come back with something crazy.

Happy Growing!!!


Well-Known Member
Given the circumstances you've done a hell of a job txchillies:weed:.............12/12 from seed works rather well if you're in a hurry/ plus all the electrical savings...allot of growers dog on it, but I feel it has it's place.......be safe and good luck in your future grows friend


Well-Known Member
Thank you brother PSUAGRO, I did the best I could with what I had and it's not to shabby. Just cut and jarred the last 2 plants for curing and was happily rewarded with 29.4 grams from the 2 plants. In all it was an interesting grow from a strain I will never touch again.

Happy Growing!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I chose Bubblelicious...I was going to get the Blue Mystic too, but I did a bunch of reasearch and saw mostly all the growers who grew to smoke did not care for it very much. It's not known to be a great producer either. Wish I knew that before you started it...lol! You did good considering.....:)

I'm also trying to figure out what to grow next for my big fall/winter grow.....decisions decisions :?: