I'm more than pleased with them so far John... Heard some bad stuff about barney's seeds being a bit hit and miss but mine have been bang on... Thick stems and fat leaves...i had to defoliate because they were so dense... Looked like cabbages!Will keep an eye on this, I have some gorilla zkittlez on the go too
Hi there, yours was the only post I could find with anything to do with the DLI 315w cmh lamps...Im involved with a "commercial" sized operation and we are in the midst of a lighting refit. Our flower rooms have 45 X DLI Joule 1000w DE Dimmable and 20 X DLI 315w cmh fixtures. Our 315's look different than yours and don't have the selectable dial switch for choosing to independently control or use the DLI 4zone controller. This seems to be causing an issue with actually being able to control the 315's. I have a couple quick questions for you if you don't mind...Bought some new gear... Got a 315w cmh light from DLI (Dutch lighting innovations) can't express how pleased I am with it... I'm used to 600w hps with old magnetic ballast and Dutch barn shades... These things blow them away!. I was impressed with the Mars Hydro led's but these things are like spaceships! They ooze quality. Even come with a pair of white gloves to handle the bulbs and a built in spirit level for leveling up!. The only way I can describe the light off them is sunshine on a bright sunny day!... Beautiful!. Anyway I mounted the cmh on a light rail to run along side my led's. Everything feels right. I picked up some plant magic cal mag which I've never used before so gonna see what the fuss is about. I'll post some pics of the new light for anyone who stumbles across this post