Gorilla glue auto overfeeding anxiety. Need help.


after ten days I can see some strange discoloration started on the new leaves with yellow tips. few of the leaves have brown spots. I tried all of the approaches to identify the problem but lack of experience lead me to nowhere. what do you think? excess or deficiency of some elements? i prepared several liters of ph-d water to flush her but afraid from causing bigger problems. should i flush or she needs something else?
the growth is slowed down, also the buds are lazy to grow. all of the new leaves are "thin blades".


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Slightly burned tips is likely slightly strong feed.

Ec meter = answers
I know. the grower karma. I just want to finish this session and before the next one I will buy a good ec meter and other stuff what i couldn't effort at this moment. I flushed the plant with two portion of water what I usually use without any nutrients of course. Water was ph-ed to 6.5. But I'm afraid that now I will have issues with nute deficiencies.
Reason why i decided to flush was that it was clearly visible that the plant stop growing, specially the buds. Should I buy something to restore enzymes in the soil?