Gorilla Glue #4 in Michigan


Well-Known Member
Flowers would be nice. I think I'll be more interested in the clips after a sample. She's definitely a pretty lady judging by all the pics.


Well-Known Member
any idea on how much stretch is expected? I veg for 8-10 weeks (depending on my harvest time), and 2 of my strains reach 6'-6'4" every time. which is just about my canopy height under my hoods.


Well-Known Member
Had to do a little cork screw action by winding her around the pot for my second GG#4 because she was getting to big for my veg area,don't have room for her in flower yet.GG#4 screwed 001.JPG


Well-Known Member
??? Why is there Mylar on top of your medium..

yes she stretches 3x...I vegged a few to 80-90 days. They finished at 7'2"
I originally started using it as a fungus gnat barrier but kept it because I liked how it help keep the moisture very even in my pots,live roots right on the surface.
I was using plastic Air Pots with the cone shaped holes but they are expensive and if they dried too much they were a pain to water so I switched to the fabric pots.
I didn't like how much fabric pots dried out on the sides so I wrap them with visqueen except for the bottom 2.5 inches,between the milar and visqueen they have a very even moisture and can still breath much better than a solid pot,more like a Air Pot.
I can easily tell if they need water by a quick glance under the mylar and a touch of the bottom fabric,don't need to check the weight of the pot.
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Well-Known Member
I never saw that before, I know Mylar can cause hot spots. why not use Panda film white side up or a layer of perlite instead. If that works for you that's all that matters.. ;)


Well-Known Member
I never saw that before, I know Mylar can cause hot spots. why not use Panda film white side up or a layer of perlite instead. If that works for you that's all that matters.. ;)
Mylar is just what I had on hand,plus not that much light makes it down to the pots with my plants in scrog or mainlined and I only put it on in late veg before flower. Perlite is a pain if you want to top dress,I've tried it. I've got my watering dialed in with this method and I can do it rather quickly,I also split the amount I give them and half goes on top and the other half at the bottom. With this method my the moisture stays very even,no over or under watering. I imagine it like using Blumats for watering,I've considered getting some of them.


Well-Known Member
Love all the pics and loving my glue plant. I threw one in the veg room and one in the bud room. I was very impressed with the first run.


Well-Known Member
I vegged it for a good solid week i think. It filled out nicely. Having two made the difference, now I have a good mother and a few jars. There's no way that it doesn't have a high CBD though. Buzz is really trippy, has to be CBD. Love that shit though.