Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
These peat pucks seem pretty simple. Success rate im sure isnt as good as what you all are doing but its my first try. I only need 1 out of 4 to work to hopefully be receiving one of these auto cloning chamber setups for Christmas, lol. My wife loves smoking the good weed ive been learning to grow. God, i wish she was into growing. Alot of yall feel me on this, i know. It sucks to make a significant ability leap and all i get for my efforts are, "That's nice dear". The 2 old friends who do know are mindblown by the fact im using an LED light and have "kind bud" to smoke with them. Thanks to all! For the tips, pics and just the conversation. Nobody at here home gets that growers mindset. Yall ground me.
Ah okay Jiffy. @curious2garden uses those for seedlings. I think planting them in your medium is smart, stop them from drying out.


Active Member
I’ve gotten some amazing flower from ILGM . Are there better genetics out there ? Absolutely - but I can tell you their gorilla glue photos are excellent .
I grew one plant from them last year outdoors - didn’t take care of it from June - September , and chopped it - no nutrients , no water. Just in good dirt in the ground and got what the lord gave it - yielded 3/4 of a lbs and it tested out at 23% thc ! I won a homegrown contest for 4 straight weeks with it at a local dispensary and got beat by the last week of the competition by a cafe racer that was a ridiculous 29% !
I havent grown any ILGM Photos. My bashing was with an eye winked. Ive grown 16 of their GG4 autos and 20 WW autos. I fell for the 10+10 for $150+ shipping spiel. Their autos are basically all F1's and every plant looked/smelled/buzzed different as another strain. I realize that most major seed brokers do similarly which is why i switched to Mephisto. At least their F1's are freebies, at least the ones i get. I will say that out of those 16, I had 4-5 that were pretty dang nice. Big fat buds and really good buzz. 3 or 4 WW were nice too. The hard thing was getting feeding right since every plant acted totally different. They at least grew and got me plenty of practice. Im grateful to have found those 4 GG beans because I can run them under 12/12 later with no worries. I misspoke. I dont dread smoking ILGM. I dread that Ill fk up my photos somehow and have nothing but those ILGM autos to smoke. I try to keep multiple strains, at least some of each so I have the right medicine for the moment. I am spoiled. I mostly smoke Indica leaning strains. The wife likes sativas. I keep some of both usually.


Active Member
Ah okay Jiffy. @curious2garden uses those for seedlings. I think planting them in your medium is smart, stop them from drying out.
I read a couple articles that showed where people set 12 expanded peat pucks in a 2 inch deep tray and surrounded them with fresh soil. I used straight FFOF so that enough nutrients hopefully should get in. I watered with a little bit of Grow Big and some recharge. Ive forced the wife to look at em lol. Right now im good cause theyre still standing straight. To her im looking smart vs buying that $30 sheet of rockwool. I hope it works out. 2 weeks and theyre still standing then ill be happy. Just hope that mother flowers under 12/12 or i may be cloning garbage. But, at least im getting practice. Im liking the idea of putting seedlings in those pucks. I didnt know they existed till the other day.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I read a couple articles that showed where people set 12 expanded peat pucks in a 2 inch deep tray and surrounded them with fresh soil. I used straight FFOF so that enough nutrients hopefully should get in. I watered with a little bit of Grow Big and some recharge. Ive forced the wife to look at em lol. Right now im good cause theyre still standing straight. To her im looking smart vs buying that $30 sheet of rockwool. I hope it works out. 2 weeks and theyre still standing then ill be happy. Just hope that mother flowers under 12/12 or i may be cloning garbage. But, at least im getting practice. Im liking the idea of putting seedlings in those pucks. I didnt know they existed till the other day.
I failed a bunch at cloning until I landed on a process that works for me. Very simple but I get near 100%
