Gorilla Bomb Grow Series GG#4 x THC Bomb by Bomb Seeds (Videos)

I can tell you why you're getting low yields, you're not growing to full maturity. You mentioned 10 weeks in one of the videos and 56 days in the latest one. It takes a good 15 weeks. 10 weeks is a joke. When a plant looks like it's ripe, it ain't. When it's really ripe it looks like it's on death's door, and has for at least a week. Pistils being brown doesn't mean anything really, or if they retract. And looking at trichs with a magnifying glass is completely pointless. Even at 14 weeks it's not ripe enough, but 16 is a little too long to keep mold down. 15 is just about right.

Another thing is, you only have lights on top, so the bottom is nothing but stalk. Without bottom lights pointing up, you will never get good yields You need about 30W/sq ft on top and almost as much on the bottom, at least 15-20. You should then get at least 600g/3x3 area, probably closer to 700.

The strain Gorilla Bomb also sucks, so that's another problem right there. Smells like cat piss, thin buds, nothing special for potency. It was one of many throw aways for me, big disappointment.