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Ohio Veterans United, along with a number of military groups, including the National Guard Association have voiced opposition to a lawsuit filed by President Obama’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party challenging the fairness of Ohio’s early voting rules claiming that the state’s use of a two-tiered early voting process violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection under the law.
“Military voters deserve to have every opportunity possible to cast their ballot, and in Ohio, we have worked with Ohio military organizations to ensure they do,” says Jon Husted, Ohio Secretary of State. “This premise of the Obama campaign’s lawsuit is that because of the high level of support we offer to members of the military and their families, the rest of Ohioans are somehow being treated unfairly. I fundamentally disagree and will make no apologies for the additional flexibility we have afforded our service members to participate in Ohio elections. The truth is there is plenty of opportunity for all voters to participate in the election this November whether they choose to vote early, by mail or on Election Day.”
In Ohio, state law allows families of armed forces members and civilians overseas to vote through the Monday before an election while early voting for all other Ohioans ends the preceding Friday. The Obama campaign wants a court order to invalidate the Ohio statutes.
“The men and women serving in the U.S. military, who risk their lives for us, have often been denied the basic right to vote,” says Harry Prestanski, executive director and founding member of Ohio Veterans United. “Our mission is to ensure that military voters have the ability to cast their votes and to have them counted. This lawsuit is an intentional attack on those serving in the military and purposely disenfranchises those serving their country.”
Ohio was recently recognized by The Military Voter Protection (MVP) Project for their leadership in promoting and protecting the voting rights of America’s military service members and their families.
Ohio House Bill Number 194, House Bill Number 224 and Senate Bill Number 295 were enacted by the 129th Ohio General Assembly. These laws allows voters using the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voter Act (“UOCAVA”
to vote early in-person at a board of elections office up through the Monday before Election Day, while non-UOCAVA voters can vote early in-person at a board of elections office (or designated alternate site) only up until 6 p.m. on the Friday before Election Day. Basically, the Ohio Legislature recognized the undue hardship imposed on those military men and women serving and provided an additional three days for them to vote.The lawsuit by the Obama campaign would eliminate the extra three days allowed the military.
“I find this move by the Obama campaign and the Democratic Party to be offensive,” said Prestanski. “In 2000, the Democratic party disenfranchised military voters using absentee ballots when key Democratic Party officials led a campaign to have numerous military ballots be disqualified .It was disgusting then and it is disgusting now.”
And I could give you another dozen smears from the rightist Echo Chamber.
Let's look at what really happened:
Bad as some of the current GOP tactics are, this one is exceptionaly low. I would love to see some of the right on this board own up to the crap just once.
Or will you guys spin it as well.
s rightist legislature voted to surpress all pre-election voting. No longer could the poor, the aged and those who's work keeps them from being able to turn up at the polls vote early - as many as 60,000 legitimate voters will be effectively disenfranchised. Oh but wait, this little law also affected members of the military so an exemption was put into place. Obama rightfully claims that this two tiered voting plan is unconstitutional.
Rather than the GOP admitting that they are purposefully sculpting the vote in their favor they are accusing Obama of attempting to keep the military from voting.
“Military voters deserve to have every opportunity possible to cast their ballot, and in Ohio, we have worked with Ohio military organizations to ensure they do,” says Jon Husted, Ohio Secretary of State. “This premise of the Obama campaign’s lawsuit is that because of the high level of support we offer to members of the military and their families, the rest of Ohioans are somehow being treated unfairly. I fundamentally disagree and will make no apologies for the additional flexibility we have afforded our service members to participate in Ohio elections. The truth is there is plenty of opportunity for all voters to participate in the election this November whether they choose to vote early, by mail or on Election Day.”
In Ohio, state law allows families of armed forces members and civilians overseas to vote through the Monday before an election while early voting for all other Ohioans ends the preceding Friday. The Obama campaign wants a court order to invalidate the Ohio statutes.
“The men and women serving in the U.S. military, who risk their lives for us, have often been denied the basic right to vote,” says Harry Prestanski, executive director and founding member of Ohio Veterans United. “Our mission is to ensure that military voters have the ability to cast their votes and to have them counted. This lawsuit is an intentional attack on those serving in the military and purposely disenfranchises those serving their country.”
Ohio was recently recognized by The Military Voter Protection (MVP) Project for their leadership in promoting and protecting the voting rights of America’s military service members and their families.
Ohio House Bill Number 194, House Bill Number 224 and Senate Bill Number 295 were enacted by the 129th Ohio General Assembly. These laws allows voters using the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voter Act (“UOCAVA”

“I find this move by the Obama campaign and the Democratic Party to be offensive,” said Prestanski. “In 2000, the Democratic party disenfranchised military voters using absentee ballots when key Democratic Party officials led a campaign to have numerous military ballots be disqualified .It was disgusting then and it is disgusting now.”
And I could give you another dozen smears from the rightist Echo Chamber.
Let's look at what really happened:
Bad as some of the current GOP tactics are, this one is exceptionaly low. I would love to see some of the right on this board own up to the crap just once.
Or will you guys spin it as well.
s rightist legislature voted to surpress all pre-election voting. No longer could the poor, the aged and those who's work keeps them from being able to turn up at the polls vote early - as many as 60,000 legitimate voters will be effectively disenfranchised. Oh but wait, this little law also affected members of the military so an exemption was put into place. Obama rightfully claims that this two tiered voting plan is unconstitutional.
Rather than the GOP admitting that they are purposefully sculpting the vote in their favor they are accusing Obama of attempting to keep the military from voting.