Google Ethics Team Busted Calling Prominent Conservative Jews "Nazis": Veritas

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
16TRUMP-jumbo.jpg Seems there is no one as intolerant as the elitist white neoliberal. Watch how they get Trump re-elected. Lol
No stooge it "seems" like trump's den of imbecile sycophants, groveling betas and ludicrous leeches is shrinking. 2020 is when potus and senate flip. The fraction of americans that are rotting with ignorance, fear and cowardice are going back to their good old shithole days.

Trump is a f'en bumbbling slob, crook and cheat. You know from personal experience that you can not polish feces.DwqpFy6XgAEsmfZ(1).jpeg

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
You aren't even close to making a sound argument, and you just stepped on a landmine. You should refrain from actually trying to make arguments, and stick to ad-homs in the future so you don't dig yourself into more holes.

claim:Praeger and Shapiro are Jews that are also Nazi's because they talk bout "defending Western Civilization"
results: This implies that you think "defending Western Civilization" is anti-semitic, in other words, its a Jewish trait to destroy Western Civilization

Do you see how that is a problem on many different levels? You just revealed that you are the one who shares the same viewpoint as Hitler.