Google earth | best way to find plots

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
hey i have a quick question i kno most you guys are out door growers, and so im an indoor grower for now since its winter its my first time, and GE is the shit by the way, but my question is wen u plant a seed outside do you guys just use the dirt on the grown or dig a hole and put in ur own soil? i found the perfect place to try an outdoor grow its neer one of my favorite fishingspot not many people kno about free water all day!!

Depends is the soil good? can u squeeze it togather in ur hand and poke it does it break up fall apart etc. If so its good to go. Whats the water table? does that place flood out? I would dig a hole mix potting soil, bloodmeal, fish emulsion, worm castings in a whole, also perlite


Well-Known Member
ok thanks well i cant check the dirt at the location i mentioned becuz its about 3 feet under snow from this blizzard but yeah , and the water is from a big lake , would the water be good? and no it wont flood


Well-Known Member
As long as the water doesn't appear to be stagnant and nasty, it should be fine. But, filtered is always better.

This would entirely depend on where you are growing, and how much, but if you are doing a somewhat larger area you might need to start bringing in soil now. You figure one bag per plant ... 15 plants ... that means 15 trips. Considering you can't take more than one big as bag of soil into the area without raising suspicion. Two trips a week, that means to take those 15 bags in would take two months, or roughly the end of march. That is all assuming you want to visit the spot with a backpack, and not a truck. Alot easier to come up with an aliby with a backpack ... kinda harder with a pickup truck full of potting soil on land you don't own ...

I would start digging and find out what the soil is like.


Well-Known Member
ha, i used google earth when i was in the graffiti scene, would follow the train tracks on it until i found layups and stuff. worked great. would have never thought to use it for this so thank u!

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
well see i live near the area and i know what the field is (1-6 foot pine thicket) and just wanted to show everyone the aerial view, property lines, houses its near, so people can have an idea

gorilla in th mist

Active Member
i been messing around with google earth myself...but not finding any good spots yet..atleast not good enough for the size of grow op i'm trying to start


Well-Known Member
I saw on G4 last night that 16 people got busted for growing outdoors. It was related to google earth somehow, i don't know if the cops were using it to find grow plots, or the growers were. This happened in the UK but i'm sure it can be tracked regardless of were you live. I'm not trying to make you paranoid just letting you guys know.


Active Member
Guerilla Growing using the best technology
OMG GOOGLE EARTH IS AMAZING! Satelite imaging of land

1) Get an aerial view of public, private, federal land.

2) See where you are in coordinates with houses, roads.Woods, fields

3) I live out in the country, this works so well. I aerial map a place. Then go there out on foot with my sateilite images, and beauty is created.

4) See remote parts of land, then travel to them

Work smarter not harder, these beat maps in many different ways, you can see clearings in woods, old out of use farm fields, creeks, ponds, marsh.

Just wanted to spread my trick around to the Marijuana community.

Google is a free download, the images were taken i believe in 06-07, but its pretty dead on still

check this :


Well-Known Member
You can always look on
It gives you what is called a "birds eye" view of some locations, with all 4 sides of area