Goodeye2113's virginity buster! cfl (first grow)

The 2 hairs are most likely new growth still happening, it could go either way. You will know sex shortly though! Keep up the growin! Are u gonna lst?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the kind words guys, next time around I'm going to use 1/3 of the light for the first couple weeks, these plants are guinea pigs and have seen some stress due to rookie mistakes. I lstd them for 4-5 days and it helped it bush out, I was going to wait for them to recover from the transplant before I lstd them again :-).


Well-Known Member
The 2 hairs are most likely new growth still happening, it could go either way. You will know sex shortly though! Keep up the growin! Are u gonna lst?
upon further inspection, there are 2 GREEN hairs that are new growth....but there are also sets of white "fine" hairs so to say.
I like your set up goodeye! the plants look big enough now where they can handle the light you have in there. I have a question, how are you getting your plant so bushy like that. Is it from the plants being so close to the light or just the strain?


Well-Known Member
I like your set up goodeye! the plants look big enough now where they can handle the light you have in there. I have a question, how are you getting your plant so bushy like that. Is it from the plants being so close to the light or just the strain?
well what i did was grew them at ~3" away from the light and when they got taller, i repotted them up to the first set of leaves. the seeds came from some dank that i had. i lst'd them for 4-5 days when they were about 20 days old and it allowed them to get light underneath and they errupted. the one on the right is 5 days older than the one on the left, but the one on the right has been through some stress with repotting (and not wanting to break my keg cup it was in, ripped the roots out at the bottom of the cup and left a whole bunch in the cup! WOOPS)

and idk what im doing to make them look so happy. miracle grow + tap water = healthy here in the midwest!

any comments about the pistils in the pics? ^^^^^


Well-Known Member
You should use mostly or all 6500K for vegging, save the 2700K for flowering. 2700K will cause early stretch. keep them as close to possible without heat stressing them. remote temperature probes are great for this because they can measure the temp right at the top of the plant where it is critical. I grow mine less than 2 inches away, I also have a fan for every two bulbs, so I can get away putting them very close with little to no heat. Good luck with the grow!


Well-Known Member
You should use mostly or all 6500K for vegging, save the 2700K for flowering. 2700K will cause early stretch. keep them as close to possible without heat stressing them. remote temperature probes are great for this because they can measure the temp right at the top of the plant where it is critical. I grow mine less than 2 inches away, I also have a fan for every two bulbs, so I can get away putting them very close with little to no heat. Good luck with the grow!
thanks for the advice stoney. i like the bush im creating, and i have a 50/50 spread of 2700k and 6500k. with no stretch isssue.

i like my exhaust fan. no need for intake fans or any other form of cooling. 68 degrees with 214w of cfl! :-)


Well-Known Member
A little update. Tonight I am watering them with either big bloom or tiger bloom. Or both and throwing them into 12/12 :-)


Well-Known Member
It's been a few days since I've posted. I changed up the setup a little. I added a 400w hps in my closet and put the 2 oldest females under the hps in flower and put the afwreck plant into the fridge aka veg / mother chamber. I'll get pics up if anyone shows any interest :-P


Well-Known Member
in 4 days it will be 60 days of flowering! i have a bunch of pics on my buddies camera i just have to get them loaded to my computer :-) sorry ive taken so long to post back, i will do my best to update this once a week at least. i have the mother afwreck plant in flower as well. ive lost track of the age of it, unfortunately. i think after this harvest im going to take it a little more serious and spend more time cycling plants around and get a perpetual setup going. ill never have to buy weed again!


Active Member
I couldn't help but notice the box of condoms, you must be a guy who gets LAID all the time, can you please teach me how to have sex with women:dunce: [/sarcasm] in case that wasn't obvious enough, a serious vie for attention tho.

nice looking lights, your plants look very good, wish you the best of luck.


Well-Known Member
the oldest plant was harvested today and netted 130g wet. for my first grow i think it will do. i will harvest the second one next week, expecting similar number.