Goodbye Texas, Hello Washingon State!!!


Well-Known Member
What a drive from east Texas to Washington. We drove through Denver and picked up a nice fat sack off craigslist that almost lasted to Washington. My wife and I have been here for 2 weeks now. She's already found work and now were looking for a house in the country so I can grow pot legally. What wonderful woman, she dropped everything so I could grow my own pot! Hopefully we can find a place soon so I can plant some autos outdoor. So far it's been nothing but rain here on the Kitsap Pennisula. I don't know how anything can grow without the sun.


Careful man, im a legal washington grower. its a common mis conception about washington and CO that we can grow out doors and just not care who or what sees it. If your marijuana is able to be seen or smelled in any way from public or other private land, its unlawful. medical or otherwise. they will take it away and fine you too. Be careful man, its legal here.. but its still not legal to grow non medically, and its illegal to grow medically in plain sight.

Please, Dont give any of these assholes a reason to doubt the smart choices the states making.


Hey welcome to Wa gdingy, Yes it rains a lot here, have the web feet to show for it to :-Pbut when its nice its ass kicking here ! I live on the coast as well a ways south from you. Good luck !! Be safe !