Good thing we have enough varieties of covid to go around to all the needy big pharma brands. WTF!

Dude, you can be cool when you pull your head out of your ass, but right now all you’re doing is spitting mindless talking points. Humor is humor, if you get Butthurt over humor, the snowflake is you. Relax, enjoy life, laugh, and all that shit. Unplug from your msm ruled existence. Happy growing.
Nope, you just are in full troll mode and are not stopping to think about what I am saying.

Happy growing to you too.
There’s never in history been a vaccine for any coronavirus, due to the structure and propensity toward minor mutations that make a vaccine “impossible”. They’ve been trying for decades with no success, yet the kung flu comes out and it magically happens in record time. Cool beans.
You really are stupid on a whole new level.

There have been plenty of coronavirus vaccines in the past. The last one before this one was for the SARS virus.

The reason we're able to create vaccines for coronavirus so much faster than before is...wait for it...


Gee. Go figure.

While old vaccines relied heavily on studying the virus and how it acts and trying to control it and restrict it, we're now using mRNA data. We can now study the RNA of a given virus and then using that data create a vaccine that will trigger a response in our bodies.

If you knew how to read properly you'd know that by now and wouldn't be making a complete ass of yourself on the internet as usual.

And as for the OP, another idiot. So far the vaccines available are still very effective against all strains but one - the new South Africa strain - and they're testing that now so we don't really know.
You aren’t saying anything real bro. Say something real instead of trolling whilst pretending not to, and I’m all ears.
How nice of you to pretend like you didn't burn your ability to cry about people trolling your nonsense a while back.

How very abusive husband of you.
You aren’t saying anything real bro. Say something real instead of trolling whilst pretending not to, and I’m all ears.
I tell you what I will back off the trolling of you if you want to actually have a conversation.

Im in.

I take it you are not a Biden fan. What has he done that you don't think is the right thing?
So I was right then, you just plugged that in to act like a snowflake.

Uh huh.

Yeah because we won't wear masks and work/shop/go to school sick. We need to stop that shit. This is today's version of whenever we learned as a society to not just throw our poop out the window because it is dangerously gross.

Not really, you are still just trolling.

What are you talking about lol, of course it is not the same at all, 'novel' virus is something you trolls pretend like is not part of the name when you use the racist branding that you like to spread to derail conversations.

I've got a job currently doing 2 routes in rural and urban parts of my town. I'm in and out of many businesses everyday. Often times the rooms are smaller than I like to be in currently but with the proper precautions like plastic dividers and folks wearing masks I'm willing to do the job when I'm wearing a mask. I won't however enter any of my stops if people inside are not wearing masks unless they are behind some sort of barrier. Life is worth far more than what the company I work for pays. Oh and to the folks not wearing a mask indoors anywhere, FUCK YOU! Without wearing a mask and taking other precautions this will not go away which means everyone suffers..
Actually it shows how advanced we have come in viral research. My wife has had both shots since she works in the medical field. I have not. So has my daughter who also is a nurse. Who works in hospice. She's seeing a lot of covid right now.
We have 4% of the world's people and 25% of the world's covid cases and deaths because our former president was worried about the stock market and completely ignored it and called it a hoax.

On top of that, roughly 50% of the nation are blithering idiots that believed him.

It will be October before we see the light at the end of the tunnel.