I'll save you a lot of drama bro I'm from Muskoka I'm a outdoor guerilla grower for years.. You can't beleive what you read. NAGANO GOLD aka GOLD VISC SEED CO FOR NORTHERN ONTARIO OUTDOOR. very uniform thick stock bushy phenotype easy to clone very potent medicinal strain , I had no problems. I used strait 15 30 15 the hole way threw . amazing!!!. 5 gallon pots or in the ground. Don't beleive what you read about them either i doubled the yeild it said it would produce. I grew A few strains and everybody wanted the Nagano Gold over everything else. Very mold resistant and the buds are sooo dense in wieght , best indica for Northern Ontario man you can't fuck it up I recommend it for absalute fuck up's and it turns them into pro growers. try the 15-30-15 for every stage you'll laugh bro. Biggest one was 3 qp's on a septic bed tho. And they love just strait topsoil with strict chemical fertilizing regamend this will produce 3-8 oz per plant, very stable very uniform remember I use Commercial topsoil and each clone gets ther own bag of that dollar bag of topsoil from wal-mart, very cheap,and pore the blue solution to' em