Good sites to pick up a piece


Active Member
Hey guys im lookin to pick up a new peice, was lookin at the Festival glass bongs. My friend has one and i really enjoy it so i figure ill pick one up of my own im generaly a blunt guy but i do enjoy a glass piece so does any one have any good reliable sites to order one from and have it shipped to North America? this is of course for tobacco use only :blsmoke:. Also do you guys think it would be ok to use one of those visa Credit cards? i really dont want to use mine for a bong hahaha any ways thanks guys any links or info is greatly appreciated :) :peace::joint:


Active Member
sorry also wanted to add i have googled them but alota sketch lookin sites so wanted to know if there was a reputible one thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im lookin to pick up a new peice, was lookin at the Festival glass bongs. My friend has one and i really enjoy it so i figure ill pick one up of my own im generaly a blunt guy but i do enjoy a glass piece so does any one have any good reliable sites to order one from and have it shipped to North America? this is of course for tobacco use only :blsmoke:. Also do you guys think it would be ok to use one of those visa Credit cards? i really dont want to use mine for a bong hahaha any ways thanks guys any links or info is greatly appreciated :) :peace::joint:

yea me too, im a blunt man but i wanted to get a bong! so i found this site wholesale head shop and the dude has cheap shit. He ships within a 2 days of order(a little slow) but i got a nice foot and a half bong with an ice catcher and nice stem for 45bucks with shipping. actully is was like 49.60 or something. It took me like a week, but he lives in PA so if your close to there it may be even faster. hes also got these badass triple bubbler inside out glass peices that are a 100bucks. all his shit is hand blown too. my bong had thick glass no weak shit


Active Member
AWESOME!!! thanks a ton guys.
Butterfly, i was on there just wasnt sure if it was good but thanks for the recamendation i guess ill be orderin from there in the mornin hahaha im guna pick up a visa gift card, i think thats the best way to go what do you all thinK?:joint:


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a piece from and was curious as to how long their delivery to the states takes? I am anxious to try out my new addition but think it will be a while since its shipping from the UK...