Good Setup And No Sprouts!


Active Member
So hers the deal -

  • best RO system on the market
  • 100w cfl (18 on 6 off)
  • 50x30x81 enclosed closet
  • white widow seeds
  • stealth hydro mimic system (home made)
  • hydroton and rockwool
  • temp around 74 degrees
  • no nutes
So I saw this setup on and thought it was really cool, I also noticed that people on this site are very successful using it. I have set the whole thing up perfectly and its been about 7 days and no sprout. I just dont get it. Any help would be greatly apprieciated as this is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
start off by getting more light.

did u germinate your seeds then plant? or did u jus tthrow them in some soil and hoped the best?


Active Member
i followed roseman's advise and just threw the seeds in the rockwool cubes. i noticed that they did germinate in the cubes but just dont seem to be getting any further


Well-Known Member
Dude just because you have the best whatever on the market doesnt mean it will work for you. Isnt it funny how i took like 57 seeds put them in a wet paper towel in a dark spot and 54 cracked in 3 days and then put them in root plugs under a dome with 24hr flo's and 52 sprouted and grew? You need to put the seeds in a cup of distilled water check a few times every day until you see its cracked. Then put that seed in the rockwool. Dont push it down in there, just put it in. Make sure the light is close to them and the cube stays moist. Also, your homemade thingy might nto be the best idea for a first grow man. And who knows, the seeds might not be the best either. They should be dark with tiger strips and should crush when you squeez them. Hope you have better luck.


Active Member
Ok, Thanks For The Replies. By The Way My "homemade thingy" Is An Exact Replica The The Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics System Which Has Had Great Success.
One Sprouted Today But The Two Oval Like Leaves Are Bent Over The Side. Does Anyone Know What That Might Be.
I Have Another In Soil Which Has Been Going For About 2 Weeks And Is Very Healthy And Strong, About 3 Nodes With A Ton Of Leaves Kinda Like A Bush. How Can I Tell When To Start Flowering And Adding Nutes. What Is The Best And Easiest Nutes To Use For Soil.


Active Member
I am really sorry dude but you gotta start reading before asking questions

looks to me that you don't understand the basics of the plant growth and necessary environment

my first grow i have germinated 7 out of 7 seeds (100% germ rate)

it gets easy as you understand the basic rules
also post more details about conditions, doesn't mean that if you have a TV set you'll see satellite channels, you need the antena y' know

good luck :)


Active Member
Actually I Do Understand The Basics!!!! I Have A 100% Germination Rate As Well. This Is My First Time Using This Hydro System. any Retard Can Germinate - Put Seeds In A Wet Paper Towel And Wrap Up In Plastic Then Throw It On The Boiler In The Basement And Whala Germinated In 2 Days!!

Pleas If You Are Not Willing To Help And Can Only Criticize Then Dont Bother!!


Active Member
hey man don't take it personal, i was not intending to offend you
sry if you got it the wrong way

just from your post I understood that you got a system, you set it up... and now its not working as you expected
you haven't gave us any other info so i assumed you're a newbie that just got a toy expecting to get gold of it just by plugging it in

(also youre asking basic questions "How Can I Tell When To Start Flowering And Adding Nutes. What Is The Best And Easiest Nutes To Use For Soil."-which only gives me another argument that you just got the setup and you don't know much about plant basics )

we are all here to learn, i just think you took a big step towards a hydro system for your first grow
F4t4LShot gave you some good advice, please let us know if you followed it or not and what results you have

some photos of your current situation would do REALLY good



Well-Known Member
I dont know what it is but people dont seem to want to listen to me. I think i usually give very very good advice. I dont know if its how i say things or what but i dont mean to sound mean, thats just they way i am. I gave him all the advice he needs. Whether he chooses to listen is up to him. And buddy if "any retard can germinate" then whats the problem? You should germ them in paper towels and put them in your super duper homemade hydro thing that has such great success! Just because one person made it work doesnt mean its good bro. Also just because it looks like the pictures doesnt mean it works like the pictures. And to me you dont seem to understand the basics :-| You are asking when to flower and what nutes to use? Doesnt sound like you understand the basics to me.


Well-Known Member

beleive it or not, ias im sure you know now that there are some of the "know it alls" that love to reply to your posts and critisize you on this site...not many but there are some(they should go become members of cannibis, where there are many stuck up snobs)...and they love to make you feel stupid and say that you dont know what your talking about...they all probably have small penises or have really low self esteem....i dont know but all you can do is blow them off...they love it when you reply and get all worked up...

keep up the experimenting and keep asking questions and i promise you will get people who understand and will reply with politeness and helpfulness.
