good seed? or bad seed?


Well-Known Member
You figure out what your situation will allow and what you want to smoke, then you go from there, once you know what you want to grown and smoke then you can figure out on where to get the seeds from.

Purple Haze

Active Member
im not sure i entirly understand, so help me out here...
if i wanted to grow say 3 plants, probably 1 for smoking, 2 for selling
and im in the dead of winter, what would you suggest?


Well-Known Member
well you don't really know...cause it depends on alot of different things...if they are femmanized seeds your pretty much guaranteed to grow a female, if there not fem seeds...then you take a risk of getting a few males in there, no biggie though. There are also seed strain review here so search that.

As for what to smoke it's all up to you...just do some research...and i hope you don't plan on making very much money from selling off 2'll only get about an ounce a plant....give or take a 1/2oz depending on enviroment and how well you keep them.