Good pulverized dolomite Lime brands?


Well-Known Member
Went to my local Home Depot/Lowes and all they had was this Pennington stuff, which based on what it says online is not organic. I've also noticed some brands say they are "slow-acting". Which brand(s) are good for mixing in soil/top dressing. Currently have a pretty serious cal/mag def and my plants are probably about 3-4 weeks from finishing so mixing it in the soil isn't really an option. I've read pelletized like Epsoma isn't a good idea either for top dressing. Not that that brand is available to me anyway.

Or is it ok to get this: and just assume it has what I need.


Well-Known Member
You will NEVER find a *organic* lime. It's ground up rock and contains no carbon. No carbon=not organic. Doesn't mean it's not compatible with organics though.

The Pennington is fine, I use it. The stuff at Lowes is fine also, I use it too. The pellets are fine, they are powdered lime in a fast dissolving binder. First watering, they become powder. Easy to work with. I've used that also.

One brand is really not 'better' than another, they are all just ground up limestone in the end.

The important thing is to get it and use it.



Well-Known Member
Oh weird I looked up Soil Doctor Pulverized Lime on the same website that I bought the Pennington at(Home Depot) and it said it was organic >.< I did notice how easily the pellets dissolved in a cup of water. I went ahead and bought Pennington's Fast Acting Lime.


Well-Known Member
Organic rock? Wonder how they pulled that off? Technically it's not, no carbon atom, but totally compatible with organics.

My wife wants to know what kind of dog is in your avatar? I said you'd tell her it's nacho dog.



Well-Known Member
Oh yea, organic rock doesn't make much sense.
Haha I don't even know, it's a pic I found on the internet. So many people are enthralled by my avatar lol.

Any opinion about adding the pellets to water? I googled adding dolomite lime to water and I came up with a few results or at least questions about it from all the different grow sites.


Well-Known Member
Adding the pellets to water is just extra work. Add them to the mix or top dress. They dissolve with the first watering or so.
