Good price for a sheet?

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
An acquaintance of mine said they can get "Jerry Garcia" tabs for 880/sheet. I'm assuming it's 100 hits/sheet but it seems a little lofty considering I could get a single hit for 5-10 bucks elsewhere.

How much do you pay for a sheet of 100 in your area?


Active Member
If you can get hits for $5, I'd buy sheets from that guy. He'd probably let you have 'em for $300-400 if you bought the whole thing at once. Oh, and make sure the stuff's legit and that your "aquaintance" isn't a cop. Remember - if it's bitter, it's a spitter.


Well-Known Member
If you can get hits for $5, I'd buy sheets from that guy. He'd probably let you have 'em for $300-400 if you bought the whole thing at once. Oh, and make sure the stuff's legit and that your "aquaintance" isn't a cop. Remember - if it's bitter, it's a spitter.
Bitter, its a spitter! Fucking love that notion Dr. Nick ;)

$880 oh no way bro... He could stick Jerry Garcia up his ass for all I care. I can get needlepoint for little over 4 bills ;)


Active Member
I don't remember who said it first, but it's a good rule to follow, 'cause LSD is tasteless even at pretty high dosages. Anything someone sells on blotters that's bitter is either an amphetamine-type (like DOB) or the sheet has been adulterated with quinine to make it pass a blacklight inspection. Either way, no bueno.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
'cause LSD is tasteless even at pretty high dosages.
LSD is tasteless (in the dosages you would see for ingestion), but ethanol is bitter as fuck.

Anything someone sells on blotters that's bitter is either an amphetamine-type (like DOB) or the sheet has been adulterated with quinine to make it pass a blacklight inspection.
Or the crystals were dissolved using alcohol for a solvent (like nearly all LSD is), going by these "field tests" of taste and fluorescences of various substances is kind of silly. Go buy a Marquis and an Ehrlichs Modified reagent test kit.


Active Member
You won't be able to taste ethanol once the sheet is dry, and I doubt many dealers will stick around while you whip out and perform a field test.


Well-Known Member
You won't be able to taste ethanol once the sheet is dry, and I doubt many dealers will stick around while you whip out and perform a field test.
Then I'll gladly tell the guy... you can take your business elsewhere.... hell, If I'm buying something along the 4-6 bill range I have the right to conduct a few minute test! Most people would be fine as they think what there selling is acid in the first place!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You won't be able to taste ethanol once the sheet is dry.
Then how did a blotter that only contained LSD-25 taste extremely bitter? Whether ethanol, methanol, or isopropanol was used I am pretty sure it left a bitter residue.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Man that seems steep.. All the jerry garcia acid that goes around out here is garbage.. Probably different in your area.. but 880 is alot man..

EDIT: Just read the thread.. Nice job on not getting it man..


Active Member
It could've been impurities or ink, or even some sort of preservative, but unless a sample was put through a mass spectrometer and confirmed to be LSD, I'd say it was probably something else. Most of the DOx family have subjective effects similar to LSD including the OEVs, and are active at dosages from as low as 1-5 mg for some types (DOB, DOC, DOPR, DON etc.).


Well-Known Member
It could've been impurities or ink, or even some sort of preservative, but unless a sample was put through a mass spectrometer and confirmed to be LSD, I'd say it was probably something else. Most of the DOx family have subjective effects similar to LSD including the OEVs, and are active at dosages from as low as 1-5 mg for some types (DOB, DOC, DOPR, DON etc.).
All true. No one is bashing each other's opinions... DOX's are known to have a bitter taste and are very well known for people's bad reactions to "supposed" LSD experiences! I have friends that are scared shitless of ever doing acid... I just laugh and whipper a sigh of relief and tell them you've probably never done real lsd!


Active Member
I'm certainly not trying to bash anyone's opinion, but there is a lot of misinformation out there. And, by dealer I don't mean a friend or even a FOAF but you're average, shady (and this guy sounds shady) dealer. If I wanted to test some before I bought a whole sheet, I'd buy a couple hits and then take it home and test 'em. Much easier that way IMO. Worst case scenario, you're out a little cash. Tests usually don't lie, but people do, even if they're not aware of it.