good potting soil


Active Member
Two questions. How do you find the xx-yy-zz numbers? I looked on a bag of miracle grow but didnt see anything like that so how is that determined? Second. I have soil that my mom gave me for planting anything she stands by it. Its top soil from HD, Peat Moss, Rabbit Manure and some fertilizers I believe. Do you think that would be good to start seeds in and to grow in, in general?

Sorry for the noob questions :cry:


Well-Known Member
check the nutrients on the back of the bag, the nitrogen is the first number, phosphorus is the second, and potassium potash or K is the third number.

check the numbers on the back of the bag that your "mom swears by", and post the numbers.



Active Member
She created it herself and bagged some. Her gardens are rather amazing with tomatoes, peas and vegetables but im not sure if thats good for weed.


Well-Known Member
dont use mg....if the soil your mom is using grows tasty fruits and vegetables, then it will do the trick for herb.....for the veg cycle you want nutrients that are high in nitrogen...for flower you want to be high in phosphorus....