Good pot, bad hash, what went wrong?


Well-Known Member
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I got a packed quart jar of dried smoke out of one of my white widows, not packed too tightly, but packed. I also got about a pound of marijuana butter and that patty of hash out of it. I don't get a buzz off the hash even though the pot is exceptionally good.

I tried to make blender hash, but I must have flubbed it up at one point. I put ice and water in the blender until it was half full, then I added trim until it was nearly full. After blending it several minutes I would strain off the greens and reserve the liquid. In the end the, supposedly good stuff, settled to the bottom of the container. After letting it settle for a couple hours, I siphoned off the liquid and reserved the sediment. I let this dry overnight in a warm place, then I put it onto wax paper and squeezed out as much moisture as I could and absorbed it with paper towels. I did this twice, letting it dry out with a fan blowing over it after each squeeze. Then I set the oven to warm, turned off the oven, and let the sediment dry. This was done three times with the oven only on warm.

After all this I smoked a chunk of it and nothing...

So where did I fail with the hash?

Thanks for any help.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
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I got a packed quart jar of dried smoke out of one of my white widows, not packed too tightly, but packed. I also got about a pound of marijuana butter and that patty of hash out of it. I don't get a buzz off the hash even though the pot is exceptionally good.

I tried to make blender hash, but I must have flubbed it up at one point. I put ice and water in the blender until it was half full, then I added trim until it was nearly full. After blending it several minutes I would strain off the greens and reserve the liquid. In the end the, supposedly good stuff, settled to the bottom of the container. After letting it settle for a couple hours, I siphoned off the liquid and reserved the sediment. I let this dry overnight in a warm place, then I put it onto wax paper and squeezed out as much moisture as I could and absorbed it with paper towels. I did this twice, letting it dry out with a fan blowing over it after each squeeze. Then I set the oven to warm, turned off the oven, and let the sediment dry. This was done three times with the oven only on warm.

After all this I smoked a chunk of it and nothing...

So where did I fail with the hash?

Thanks for any help.
Ive never made hash but thc is fat soluble, and not water soluble. cooking it in oil or butter will extract the thc, but boiling in water wont. I would imagine blending it with ice water would still leave all the thc in the green matter you pulled off. Hence no thc in what was left.


Well-Known Member
The thc freezes in the blender, once it's frozen it's easy to remove from the cuttings. The reason water and ice is used is to keep the thc pure and not mix it with oils or alcohol. Maybe freezing the leaves would have helped, but that alone could not have been the reason for failure. Also, the oven was only warm and so no baking was done, only drying.


Active Member
Ive never made hash but thc is fat soluble, and not water soluble. cooking it in oil or butter will extract the thc, but boiling in water wont. I would imagine blending it with ice water would still leave all the thc in the green matter you pulled off. Hence no thc in what was left.
That's true about THC being fat soluble. But when making hash, THC isn't being extracted - instead, the trichomes (and the THC they contain) are just being separated from the rest of the plant material. It just so happens that trichomes sink in water while almost all of the rest of the plant material floats...

I think the methodology used here is good, but I don't have a clue why it didn't work this time... hope you figure it out though Magnificient.