good outdoor security cam for under$150?please help!

Dude then stop ur complaining and deal with ur shitty situation my girls a trooper and knows I'm outside sept and half of oct. It's really not that big of a deal to sleep outside and come in in the morning, or go to work and handle whatever buisness u got.
And if you can't then fuck it better hope they don't have enough time to chop these 9 "huge" or "monster" or whatever u called them plants cause if there really that big they won't be able to get it all.>:(

U got trellis netting?o_OIt makes it a tangled net so way harder for them to rip kinda like this.... See the netting tied down to the pot. View attachment 3239962
look you fuck,my question was about security cams,not dogs or tents...,respect that or fuck off!seriously....
yo kenya go to walmart or kmart of if yoru canadian canadian tire....
they have cheap game cameras

if you want an actual survailience system then go to an actual store...

Or just google shit dude...

Most if not all of the people commenting are very knowlegable people and you should take their advice to heart

Garden Boss's advice was the best: Buy a tent and leave a light (lamp) on in it....maybe every time you go back start a fire or something.

Make it look like your camping out there it will be a good deterrent.

Honestly i've thougt of going to camera route but its a waste of time because the crop has already been lost by the time you know....preventative measure work better the retroactive ones...specially when your weeds gone and all you have is a grainey image of some guy.
What about that security app on your phone,,i think its got motion detection and an alarm sound so you can hear it, it may even have a dog barking for the alarm sound!!
Garden Boss's advice was the best: Buy a tent and leave a light (lamp) on in it....maybe every time you go back start a fire or something

that is good advise,but still wasnt my question,sleeping in a tent IS NOT AN OPTION!
yes,but dude it wasnt my question....i dont know of anyone whos wife would let them spend 2 months in a tent...i respect my wife
Can u just explain to me why it is disrespectful to sleep outside to ur wife, and I will fuck off please haha.
Garden Boss's advice was the best: Buy a tent and leave a light (lamp) on in it....maybe every time you go back start a fire or something

that is good advise,but still wasnt my question,sleeping in a tent IS NOT AN OPTION!
whys it not an option, your only gonna sleep a few mtrs away in bed?
i was warned about this site......ill go back to my forum
dude some of the people in here trying to help you are the best at what they do (others i am not familair with lol sorry)

your beign such a fucking dickhead for no reason

not a single person insulted you until you returned their kind advice with your dickhead attitude for no reason

didnt your momma teach you how to get along and play nice?

go back to grasshitty
dude some of the people in here trying to help you are the best at what they do (others i am not familair with lol sorry)

your beign such a fucking dickhead for no reason

not a single person insulted you until you returned their kind advice with your dickhead attitude for no reason

didnt your momma teach you how to get along and play nice?
maybe its his mother whos the weed thief
im not being an asshole,i know whats best for my situation,its a serveillance camera!why dont people understand that?
there has been one post that helped me and i thanked him for it...its like im a piece of shit cause i wont spend time in a tent....its not an option so why is everyone still bringing it up?
lol just chill bro.

like I said

you wont be able to find anything but a cheap game camera for 150 from walmart

Seriously use the old google box and look for yourself if you dont want actual good advice.

maybe try and find a store located close to you that sells cameras and shit.

gettin all hostile for no reason...