I like how people choose evil, why ain't you getting yours right now? Like the guy with the gun who kills somebody, once they have a few guns on them they ain't so tuff. You say you would choose evil or would do bad? Why not now? It is there for the taking the the ruthless. But I choose good and I live it every day, so that being said if you think you would choose evil come pay me a visit and this trying to be good man will drop you and sleep like a baby. I been in fights, shoot outs and combat, mofos talking like they bad, lmafo. Send me a message and prove to me you made the choice to be evil and I will have no problem servicing that target. Let's do lunch hardcore evil man, I will gladly buy for the opportunity to help you along your way.
I need to medicate lol
Loud mouth wanna be idiots, I will pray for you
I need to medicate lol
Loud mouth wanna be idiots, I will pray for you