good or bad? oppression or protecting children?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

isn't it upon the sellers of products to make sure they aren't selling products designed for adults to children?
according to this, adults don't like flavored products. i think many of them do. and enjoy using them. if companies are using cartoon characters to sell adult products to children, that's wrong, and shouldn't be tolerated. flavors are just that, flavors. adults can enjoy them as much or more than children. as long as these products aren't packaged to appeal to children, i don't see a problem. it's up to parents to police their children, and the sellers of products to make sure they aren't selling to minors.
for a long time now, there has been a contingent of the government that seems to be trying to tell people how to raise their children. many people do need advice, but i HIGHLY doubt the government is the place to look for that advice.
how about talking to your kids, telling them the truth, showing them the consequences of smoking, explaining clearly that vaping isn't the same as smoking, but it IS NOT harmless....
Population control, let kids vape.
I was just being an asshole/ bringing some dark humor to the table but in a serious sense, I am very curious to see what serious or minor health effects (if any) develop in people who vape daily in the next 10-20 years after more research has been done and there are more studies and info out there. Kids do whatever the hell they want anyways though if they don’t have good parenting, you have kids in middle school doing heroin these days.
I was just being an asshole/ bringing some dark humor to the table but in a serious sense, I am very curious to see what serious or minor health effects (if any) develop in people who vape daily in the next 10-20 years after more research has been done and there are more studies and info out there. Kids do whatever the hell they want anyways though if they don’t have good parenting, you have kids in middle school doing heroin these days.
I was having Fun
Can not tell them anything
They have Google and know it all LOL
adults realize that we've been alive longer, seen more, dealt with more, learned more, know more....i remember the day it occurred to me what a dumbass i'd been for at least the first 25 years of my life....i was about every 3 or 4 years i try to stop for a little self examination and reflection....and i'm still a dumbass
adults realize that we've been alive longer, seen more, dealt with more, learned more, know more....i remember the day it occurred to me what a dumbass i'd been for at least the first 25 years of my life....i was about every 3 or 4 years i try to stop for a little self examination and reflection....and i'm still a dumbass
I look back at my own life and say this too
I agree man. I did a lot of very stupid shit in my teens and early twenties and I’m very fortunate not to be dead or in jail. Most young men have a sense of invincibility and think of themselves as indestructible. In retrospect I may or may not have made different decisions, who really knows lol.
I agree man. I did a lot of very stupid shit in my teens and early twenties and I’m very fortunate not to be dead or in jail. Most young men have a sense of invincibility and think of themselves as indestructible. In retrospect I may or may not have made different decisions, who really knows lol.
The Superman syndrome LOL
\We all had that, and Beer Muscles we can not forget them LOL
The people making these laws are just control freaks that don't know how to control a new situation. Everyone I know who vapes is over 30 and prefers the candy/sweet flavors. It needs to be controlled at the sales level, stiffer fines,license revocation, or jail time for ANY conviction of underage sales/distribution. Similar to tobacco and alcohol. I could see the argument against cartoon mascots years ago, but with the amount of adult oriented cartoons, it's hard to argue they're just for kids nowadays.
The people making these laws are just control freaks that don't know how to control a new situation. Everyone I know who vapes is over 30 and prefers the candy/sweet flavors. It needs to be controlled at the sales level, stiffer fines,license revocation, or jail time for ANY conviction of underage sales/distribution. Similar to tobacco and alcohol. I could see the argument against cartoon mascots years ago, but with the amount of adult oriented cartoons, it's hard to argue they're just for kids nowadays.
it seems to me they are passing the buck upwards every chance they get. people can't be responsible for teaching their children good values.
retailers can't be responsible for making sure they don't sell adult products to minors.
i doubt there are a room full of evil old bastards adding flavorings to nicotine ejuice, giggling about all the kids they will addict with this batch. manufacturers make things that people want to buy. if there was no adult market for these things, they wouldn't get made.
Almost all marketing is influenced by kids. The advertisers know that if they hook them young, they win. It might not be purposely aimed at kids, but I'd put money on the fact they looked into what kids think about ANY advertising campaign. The 12-25YO demographic is their bread and butter. Even Chevy has a car commercial asking kids what they think about new models, like a 12-14yo has any say in a new vehicle purchase. But no one cares about that adult product being marketed to kids. Not too many people worry about their kid joyriding because of those commercials. These companies learned from the cigarette companies mistakes how to market to kids, without being obvious about it.

All advertising is psychological warfare on consumers. There has been billions spent on understanding human psychology and how to influence us, en mass, through them. If you understand this stuff, it's fairly easy to influence, if not control, people. Ever notice how some commercials have weird background noises or fast, seemingly random, flashing icons? All tricks to embed their product in your memory. I read a book years ago about the research done in the 60/70s on psychology in advertising and it was disturbing how they figured out ways to manipulate your opinion on a product, or person, with simple tricks.
Don't kid yourself, it's not about the children. It's about taxes and making vapers share the burden of the tobacco settlement. A burden they cant quite meet because their projected new customers would rather vape.
The government didn't stop them selling cigarettes when we were smoking those as kids.
I simply don't like the tobacco flavors anymore. Give me something along the line of candy or a raspberry slushy flavor anytime, I'm also kind of fond of Grape A.S.A.P for the colada.
adults realize that we've been alive longer, seen more, dealt with more, learned more, know more....i remember the day it occurred to me what a dumbass i'd been for at least the first 25 years of my life....i was about every 3 or 4 years i try to stop for a little self examination and reflection....and i'm still a dumbass

Your late bloomer Rog, I realized I was a dumbass at about 20..... and the smarter I became over the years the more I realized that I was/am truly stupid.

Real talk#.
The people making these laws are just control freaks that don't know how to control a new situation. Everyone I know who vapes is over 30 and prefers the candy/sweet flavors. It needs to be controlled at the sales level, stiffer fines,license revocation, or jail time for ANY conviction of underage sales/distribution. Similar to tobacco and alcohol. I could see the argument against cartoon mascots years ago, but with the amount of adult oriented cartoons, it's hard to argue they're just for kids nowadays.

It may be reverse psychology , if kids/teens are told no.... I can but you can't.... well you can be sure that they are going to do it. Politically speaking the government doesn't give a damn about taxes, no votes... but if they can get your tax money for a study or your vote to keep them in office, then they will say anything you need to hear, while selling the poison to the kids. Think of it like this....most likely they just want to put more tax on vapes just like cigs. I'm just saying the political left/right don't give a shit about the people only about money.
I was just being an asshole/ bringing some dark humor to the table but in a serious sense, I am very curious to see what serious or minor health effects (if any) develop in people who vape daily in the next 10-20 years after more research has been done and there are more studies and info out there. Kids do whatever the hell they want anyways though if they don’t have good parenting, you have kids in middle school doing heroin these days.

Welp, I for one am concerned that we have a generation that puts tide pods into their mouths and call it a challenge ..........