Good or Bad? 24/0 lights during veg...


Well-Known Member
My grow is being done on 24/0 for veg. Check it out & you tell me if it's the wrong thing to do. :D I've always done 24/0. Seen a 4000 watt grow done on 24/0. The plants get bigger on 24/0. They have no choice.


Well-Known Member
despite all you do the plant will mature and die.
The plant doesn't die it is killed, either by the environment or man. Given the right environment cannabis would live and grow buds again the next season.

More lumens makes biggger better buds not hours of light.
OK then... you flower your plants with just one hour of light and i'll give mine 12, let's see who wins.


Well-Known Member
I use 24 hrs right up to flowering. Sometimes I will drop it to 20/4 a few weeks prior to flowering to slide it into 12/12.


Active Member
im always beating a dead horse when i post on this topic but go 24/0 unless you have a high temp problem. until you have 2 exact same setups and test 24/0 vs 18/6, just go 24/0. almost everyone i talk to does 24/0. its not wasting electricity because in the long run you are vegging for less days. you cant really compare a marijuana plant to a human as far as needing a rest period. in fact, you cant really compare 1 plant to another in terms of needing rest. some plants need rest. some plants such as marijuana, do not need rest.

note for auto flowering plants such as lowriders, they recommend 21/3 because at that point, the those extra light hours wont have much effect on increasing growth rate. i think its something in the ruderalis strain which all autos are cross bred with. i dont have any experience with autos myself, just what i read from other growers.


Active Member
a plant needs sleep and rest just like every living thing... use 18/6 that mimics the long days of summer when a MJ plant loves to grow.....(try stayin awake for the whole vegg proid and see how worn out you are...well a plant will be just as worn out they need sleep to rest just like we do)


Active Member
I've done 24/0 on my test DWC and I've had awesome growth and my plants are more bushy. I perfer 24/0 because if there is a problem you don't have to wait till the light is on to check on it. That and its easier if you want to poke in and take some clones or w/e. I'm gonna be doing a LED grow with 2 LEDs to see how it turns out and I will be running them 24/0.

If your veging under CFL and or LED then go for 24/0 but if your vegging under HID or MH go for 18/6 to save on the power bill


Well-Known Member
a plant needs sleep and rest just like every living thing... use 18/6 that mimics the long days of summer when a MJ plant loves to grow.....(try stayin awake for the whole vegg proid and see how worn out you are...well a plant will be just as worn out they need sleep to rest just like we do)
I'm gunna go ahead and waste my 420th post on telling you plants and people are not the same and we dont have the same sleep requirements.Infact the only thing we need in common are air and's like saying a clone has a better chance of rooting if i stuck a rapidrooter up my ass and tried to clone it because it would receive about 10 hours of darkness while i sleep,i'm not buyin it and i'm not tryin it ;)theres lots of ways to do it (grow pot) and 24-0 works great.and now i will bust off a nug of this bitch vegged 24-0 and flowered 13-11 and forget you said that.



Active Member
I'm gunna go ahead and waste my 420th post on telling you plants and people are not the same and we dont have the same sleep requirements.Infact the only thing we need in common are air and's like saying a clone has a better chance of rooting if i stuck a rapidrooter up my ass and tried to clone it because it would receive about 10 hours of darkness while i sleep,i'm not buyin it and i'm not tryin it ;)theres lots of ways to do it (grow pot) and 24-0 works great.and now i will bust off a nug of this bitch vegged 24-0 and flowered 13-11 and forget you said that.
ya they dont need as much as we do but they still need some thats why we try to use the same light time as the long days of summer which is 18/6 not 10 hours of sleep... and a clone thats rooting you would want 24/0 but not for a vegging plant.... and you do that man ill do the same with mine


Well-Known Member
im always beating a dead horse when i post on this topic but go 24/0 unless you have a high temp problem. until you have 2 exact same setups and test 24/0 vs 18/6, just go 24/0. almost everyone i talk to does 24/0. its not wasting electricity because in the long run you are vegging for less days. you cant really compare a marijuana plant to a human as far as needing a rest period. in fact, you cant really compare 1 plant to another in terms of needing rest. some plants need rest. some plants such as marijuana, do not need rest.

note for auto flowering plants such as lowriders, they recommend 21/3 because at that point, the those extra light hours wont have much effect on increasing growth rate. i think its something in the ruderalis strain which all autos are cross bred with. i dont have any experience with autos myself, just what i read from other growers.
great post... however plants do rest, they rest irrespective of whether the lights are on or not. They certainly stop moving for brief periods, if that can count as rest... they don't need the dark to rest is all it is.

I veg with CFL anyway, no point in switching those off for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm gunna go ahead and waste my 420th post on telling you plants and people are not the same and we dont have the same sleep requirements.Infact the only thing we need in common are air and's like saying a clone has a better chance of rooting if i stuck a rapidrooter up my ass and tried to clone it because it would receive about 10 hours of darkness while i sleep,i'm not buyin it and i'm not tryin it ;)theres lots of ways to do it (grow pot) and 24-0 works great.and now i will bust off a nug of this bitch vegged 24-0 and flowered 13-11 and forget you said that.

HAHA sorry i have a dark image of a rapid rooter plug in your ass while you sleep to funny...