Good movies to trip on...


Well-Known Member
I'll name mine how about yours...

1. Scent of a woman- Al pacino looks fuckin baked in that movie..

2. Dazed and confused- a high school movie but has some cool old school rock jams to listen too.

3. Legend- old movie but some good fantasy to trip you out.

4. bloodsport-classic fighting movie

5. highlander- some good sci-fi

these are a few to name


Active Member
You know, I actually really like watching Oceans Eleven while I'm blitzed. Sober, I hate it. But blitzed or drunk it just trips me out 'cause all the lights and shit in Vegas.

Big Joop

Active Member
Big Trouble In Little China.
The Big Lebowski
The Road Warrior
Escape From New York
Wizards (animated by Ralph Bakshi)


first time i ever tripped on 2ce i watched muppets in space and laughed my fuckin ass off

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Human Traffic

Its a Welsh film about a few friends who go out on a drug fuelled club night.

Its fuckin quality!


Active Member
Human Traffic

Its a Welsh film about a few friends who go out on a drug fuelled club night.

Its fuckin quality!
"yoda wants to explore inner space while vader wants to control outta space,thats the fundamental difference between the light and dark side"bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you have inspired me bro.... shroom season is upon us now... soon as i get some shrooms, im gonna rent that movie and give you a call... may just have to come pick you up for the weekend if you're not doin nothing:lol:

I have a friend down the road that doesnt do shrooms because he's scared.. but his field grows 'em and we could go pick there too.. I'm ready when you are.. I've been in need of a good trip... now that i'm not fuckin bummed out anyway.. just let me get over this sickness and i'm ready to go dude.. i'lll put whatever activities I have scheduled on hold..


Well-Known Member
I 2nd BackDoorMan.. Fantasia FTW!
The classic one, not that Fantasia 2000 bullshit.. lol
yea.. my first time doin acid was while I was wtaching fantasia.. back ion like 96 or something.. it was fuckin badass.. ever since then I havent been able to find any Acid... so I havent seen the movie since..

What I wouldnt give for some good acid.. if you believe everything you hear, everybody can get it...