Good Metal Bands to listen to while high/stoned?


I listen to hardrock, grunge, deathmetal, metalcore, deathcore, hardcore, melodic deathmetal, etc. you get the idea.

So what are some good bands worth listening to while being high/stoned?



Active Member
I usually listen to some Lamb of God, As I lay Dying, god Forbid, August Burns Red, Unearth and Megadeth.

I particularly like LOG and AILD when just chillin out baked.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
ANY music is good when stoned tbf.
I reckon my favs are either Emmure (just cos they get me all riled up and its fun as fuck to play on guitar just after that first fat morning smoke :D)

Errm also a Dub artist called Cookie Monsta. Look him up, deffo worth your time!

and probs Veil Of Maya, the absolute awesomeness of their ubercreative riffs and song complexity makes me want to write songs, puts me in a good state of mind to write aswell, so theres my 3 :)


Active Member
Parkway Drive stoned is fantastic, Aussie metalcore band, very structured with cool ass riffs.
All Shall Parish - Deathcore with very Video game sounding leads/solos
I see Stars - Electronic Screamo kinda music, weird but cool
We butter the bread with butter - Best name evar. need I say moar?
Between the buried and me - Epic Progressive band
Protest the hero - Epic in general

I shall add to this list as I think of stuff but I'm @ work :\


Well-Known Member
lamb of god rocks, mastadon, fearfactory, hell yeah, mudvayne.....................i could go on and on........kings-x...


soilwork, strapping young lad, in flames, old kill switch engage with the white singer, between the buried and me, poison the well, job for a cowboy, through the eyes of the dead,


Well-Known Member
I listen to hardrock, grunge, deathmetal, metalcore, deathcore, hardcore, melodic deathmetal, etc. you get the idea.

So what are some good bands worth listening to while being high/stoned?

try pantera cow boys from hell rammstien,danzig, try some bach, Beethoven,disturbed,godsmack,white zombie,slayer,anthrax,misfits,greenday they all rock for me. play them for your plants too they might like it. forgot alice in chains, black sabath, ozzy, then there is the old favorite metalica. some manson


try necrophagist, periphery, dead to fall, beneath the massacre, pestilence, the faceless, gojira, born of osiris, veil of maya, the number looks like you(weird experimental band), animals as leaders.


Active Member
I just started listining two Dream theater, liquid tension experiment and Apocalyptica Check it out !!!


Well-Known Member
as the first post says,...aild and log are both 2 amazing bands!!!....i <3 EMMURE!!!!!! fucking dudes have some brutal breakdowns!! but heres a list of a bucn of bands on my itunes that i always let play randomly while gettin baked!! :)
(im sure a few have already been said!)
-Emmure<<<<<<<<<<(new cd is amazing)
-As I Lay Dying
-The Acacia Strain
-All Blood Runs Black
-Bring Me The Horizon
-Born Of Osiris
-The Devil Wears Prada<<< ( new cd is amazing!)
-Embrace The End
-From Autumn To Ashes
-I Killed The Prom Queen
-iwrestledabearonce <<<<<(brutal breakdowns and blast beats + GIRL SINGER!!!!)
-Walls Of Jericho <<<<<(another GIRL singer!)
-Killswitch engage (old albums)
-Blood Has Been Shed
-Parkway Drive
-Remembering Never
-Sky Eats Airplane
-Texas In July
-The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
i could sit here and name bands all day!.. i find a lot of sick bands i never heard before from usein my pandora account! :) check it out,its a free online radio!

Despised Icon

Active Member
dude how come no one here said anything abou THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, or some cannibal corpse, it dies today, through the eyes of the dead, Children of bodom, cradle of filth, or gwar?