Good Marijuana Magazine


Well-Known Member
I obviously know about high times but i hear its sold out now, what are some other good marijuana magazines?


Well-Known Member
i don't think high times has fully sold out, it's still an enjoyable read, but def not as good as it used to be! let's see here, cannabis culture was awesome, but they just printed their last copy, i think their doin em online now...skunk, heads, and weed world are all pretty good...just go to most huge bookstores and they have most of these in the magazine section...treating yourself is online, not too bad...hope this helps...:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
yea that helped, i like the sound of skunk as a magazine. i need to hit up the local bookstore.


Well-Known Member
every skunk issue i have read has some good input..but there are so many different like porn mags dude lol

Fallen Buckshot

Treating yourself is a nice ass mag .. not alot of headshoppy ass adverst but not too serious


Well-Known Member
I have a subscription to High as 30 bucks i think for 12 issues. But it's they always come out 2 months in advance?

Anyway, i personally still love reading through HT when i'm stoned. But that's just my opinion.


Active Member
the red eye express is the best weed mag they go to places like africa and tell the storys of there smokein holaday it worth reading but hard to find.


Well-Known Member
high times has to many ads, i like skunk the best, cannabisculture is now only online, no print, soft secrets is a great FREE online mag you can d/l with forums too. Weedworld is ok, expensive, red eye is weird, havent been able to get into that. I dont know after a while they are just rewritting article and going over the same shit. I actually get more out of Urban Gardner and Maximum Yeild, they are free at my grow shop, and even though they are gardening they are written by smokers for smokers.