Good job Arizona

I read this and I think Sharia, not Christian and I think women, unaccompanied in Islam.

SB 1062 was intended to amend Section 41-1493 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, which prevents "any law, including state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and policies" from "substantially burden[ing]" a person's exercise of religion, unless the burden is the least restrictive means of furthering a "compelling government interest". SB 1062 would have revised it by expanding the definition of person in the article from "a religious assembly or institution" to also include "any individual, association, partnership, corporation, church," "estate, trust, foundation or other legal entity",[SUP][11][/SUP] and would have allowed for religious-freedom as a claim or defense in lawsuits "regardless of whether the government is a party to the proceeding."[SUP][11][/SUP]
If a person wants to be stupid enough to turn away business that should be their right but the government cannot deny service.

you can not reconcile that view with support for civil rights, as much as you may lie and try to.
The civil rights act said that private business owners cannot discriminate based on color. I feel that the legislation infringes upon the rights of one individual based on the color of another individual and thus should be unconstitutional

and there it is.

you claimed a week or two ago that you supported civil rights, and here you are saying the exact opposite.

you are a lying little coward.
I have black clients

no doubt.

when you're in the business of "servicing" a dozen dudes a day for $20 each, you're not exactly in a position to turn away any dude you can service.

doesn't make you any less racist though, just desperate.
More legislation from the christian taliban.

"Proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm ......"
Red's the guy that goes to church after feeling guilty for his week long meth binge and ends up servicing the priest in the confessional.

i'm not even kidding though, red said over in toke and talk that you can get a blowjob for $10 where he lives.

i imagine that he gets what he pays for.
It has everything to do with the bible if the bill is about denying service based on religious freedom.
If a public employee refuses service based on religious beliefs well then the bill is not wholly about property rights, how can it be when the building is owned by the state?
Is it unconstitutional to deny a person medical care because of sexual orientation?
Is it unconstitutional that a police officer who is bound by law to protect and serve all citizens can refuse to come to the aid of a person because they disagree with homosexuality based on religious beliefs?

I'm just trying to understand whose rights take priority here, it's one thing to refuse to serve someone a meal in a privately owned restaurant but something completely different to refuse to come to the aid of someone in a potentially life threatening situation.
In case we have our wires crossed I'm posting about the proposed bill in Kansas that UB linked a few pages back.

The state "owns" everybody when you really think about it. When the root of the problem is identified, real solutions can be discussed. The root of the problem is some people think it is okay to make others do things they would prefer not to.

Constitutions become irrelevant, when the entity it was meant to restrict has the capability of redefining the limits of its own powers.

Whose rights? Every individual has the right to be left alone don't they?
Every individual has the right to be left alone don't they?

Nope. Just go ask the head of your local pig department how important your "rights" are.

I hate that I can agree with most of that, and, fuck, we're all fucking pissed off that the gummint takes away our "rights"....but, dude, take a hand up once in awhile.

Please distinguish between a voluntary handup and a forced redistribution of others property. Many people want to avoid that inconvenient truth in their zeal to give away ponies.

Force or threats of force at the beginning do not turn something into charity. They are simply acts of lipsticking the pig.
Please distinguish between a voluntary handup and a forced redistribution of others property. Many people want to avoid that inconvenient truth in their zeal to give away ponies.

Force or threats of force at the beginning do not turn something into charity. They are simply acts of lipsticking the pig.

Redistribution of wealth, commy, pinko, socialist, faggot, hitler........FUCK....i'm having a bad fucking day......