Good job Arizona

So how is living with Grandma today you lazy sack of shit?
Ever going to get a job and support yourself? or just go on whining incessantly about how you are a slave?
Lysander Spooner was a very important aboilitionist. I am sure he would choke the living shit out of you for claimng you are enslaved by our society

You aren't even as funny as the other clown. I recommend you go all bulbous to up your game. Also what ever happened to Somalia anyway? You need to bring that one back, Mr. prohibitionist. My grandmother was born in 1892, that would mean she's been gone awhile. Lysander Spooner didn't like prohibitionists, but would probably be okay with you and your gerbils as long as you did it on your own property.
Dude, I will never speak to you about foreign policy. You think you're edgy and, as demonstrated in the quote, entirely missed the point.

Okay. What was your point ? I apologize for ignoring it.

I'm not sure what you mean by "edgy", but I used to wear high top chuck taylors when I rocked the playgrounds, does that count?
Nice! Who broke the story? I can't find anything online yet.

she let it leak..kinda like the soft opening of a large red-necked eating establishment (in a texas* town full of tubby men and women) the herd time to get used to the idea and act civilized:wink:

*oops i meant arizona:lol:
Freedom of religion includes freedom FROM it. Clearly that eludes you.

I sense you are a decent person and want to help others. I find that commendable. How does ignoring a persons right to determine how they will use their own property but not the property of others advance peace?
I sense you are a decent person and want to help others. I find that commendable. How does ignoring a persons right to determine how they will use their own property but not the property of others advance peace?

so you repeatedly call the president a mulatto, think that blacks want "special rights", and you are also opposed to civil rights, completely ignoring, mocking, and belittling the harm it caused to so many?

you're awesome rob.
so you repeatedly call the president a mulatto, think that blacks want "special rights", and you are also opposed to civil rights, completely ignoring, mocking, and belittling the harm it caused to so many?

you're awesome rob.

I don't think "blacks" all want the same things. I see people as individuals, not collectively.

I think all people have the same right to use their body and their property, but not others property, as they see fit. You do not. You are an prohibitionist interventionist, I am not.

Awesome? No, my game is so slow now. No vertical leap, no quickness off the dribble and a tough time keeping up with the young guys full court. BTW - You throw like a girl.
I don't think "blacks" all want the same things. I see people as individuals, not collectively.

that's demonstrably false. you think civil rights is equivalent to "special rights" for black people.

l don't think Ron Paul's lack of support for the civil rights bill is founded in wanting to deny anybody rights. I think he has stated he is for protecting individual rights, but does not favor SPECIAL rights for people based on race, religion or creed etc.
that's demonstrably false. you think civil rights is equivalent to "special rights" for black people.

Civil rights are not the same thing as equal and reciprocal property rights. "Civil rights" in the context you use it in, is a government word smithing construct. If people are to be treated equally, there must be respect for differences. There must also be respect for all people to exercise self determination, but not at the expense or cancellation of anothers right to self determination or property rights. The way to do that is to abide by the non aggression principle.

You bring up a good point, that sometimes people will do things with their property that both of us wouldn't with ours. Best to leave them alone if they keep to themselves and to defend if they don't. You still throw like a girl.
Civil rights are not the same thing as equal and reciprocal property rights. "Civil rights" in the context you use it in, is a government word smithing construct. If people are to be treated equally, there must be respect for differences. There must also be respect for all people to exercise self determination, but not at the expense or cancellation of anothers right to self determination or property rights. The way to do that is to abide by the non aggression principle.

You bring up a good point, that sometimes people will do things with their property that both of us wouldn't with ours. Best to leave them alone if they keep to themselves and to defend if they don't. You still throw like a girl.

your rambling, incoherent, nonsensical reply in no way rebutted your racist sentiment that civil rights is "special rights" for black people.

you are a disgusting racist with some really old, tired, worn out arguments that no one accepts.
Brewer just announced that she vetoed the religious right bill.
Smart move on her part, it probably saved AZ a financial flogging.
You and millions of others who predicted this.
I still think she made the best decision for AZ.

uhhhh yah...anyone can make a guess on a coin flip, chances are 1:2
But her timing on this is peculiar, like the Christie debacle; she is linked to some deeper source, I think. :-?
Brewer just announced that she vetoed the religious right bill.
Smart move on her part, it probably saved AZ a financial flogging.

You and millions of others who predicted this.
I still think she made the best decision for AZ.

you literally started off your involvement in this thread calling this potential law a win for freedom and capitalism and the constitution, and now you want us to believe you when you say this crap?

goddamn you are a special little liar.
uhhhh yah...anyone can make a guess on a coin flip, chances are 1:2
But her timing on this is peculiar, like the Christie debacle; she is linked to some deeper source, I think. :-?

I don't see the timing as an issue, either she vetoed the bill or signed it.
Her deeper source is for the good of the state, that's what makes leaders, leaders.
had she not vetoed the bill, you would had another negative thing to say, damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, that;s what partisans do.

you literally started off your involvement in this thread calling this potential law a win for freedom and capitalism and the constitution, and now you want us to believe you when you say this crap?

goddamn you are a special little liar.

And I still believe that on a personal level.
If i was the governor of AZ, I would have done the same thing.
She saved a lot of innocent businesses from financial repercussions by the vetoing the bill.
I know it's hard for you to grasp, but a good leader puts the people ahead of their personal beliefs and does what good for the masses.
I don't see the timing as an issue, either she vetoed the bill or signed it.
Her deeper source is for the good of the state, that's what makes leaders, leaders.
had she not vetoed the bill, you would had another negative thing to say, damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, that;s what partisans do.

I suspect you are misinterpreting who and what I am referring to.
That's okay though, the outcome doesn't change, and the matter is not important.
I suspect you are misinterpreting who and what I am referring to.
That's okay though, the outcome doesn't change, and the matter is not important.

to misinterpret you have to make an attempt at interpreting, to make an attempt at interpreting you must be capable of at least rudimentary mental musings.

in other words, i think you give ahrsistah way too much credit.