good hash method


Active Member
has anyone ever got one of those grinders from like a shell gas station , those reallly big ones with the "keif screen" section on the bottom???? well i take my trim leaf from the buds after there really crispy dry and put it all in a wide mouth jar and the bottom section from that grinder fits perfectly in the wide mouth jar, so i duct tape it on careful not to tape the keif collector section. then just keep shakin the hell outta the jar and it collects all the trichomes in that bottom peice , works awesom!:peace:

i then take all the "crystals" or "keif", and make it into hash....mmm tasty!


Well-Known Member
I like to put my clipping ect in a jar with 91-99% rubbing alcohol, shake for a good few minutes then filter out the plant material from the liquid. Pu the liquid on a plate with a fan over it and left dry of 24 hours. What is left is good quality hash to be scrapped off and smoked. I also like the dry ice method.


Well-Known Member
I like to take fresh trim and freeze it then just use a kief screen. The result is kief so pure it melts to your fingers.


Well-Known Member
I like dry ice and bubble bags. I take the kief and make goodies with. And when I want hash I'll press it.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
dry ice in the bucket with the water does that make it harder to do as it could mess up your monofiliment mesh if it touches it while wet?


Well-Known Member
dry ice is usually used without water.

I was a water extract guy, then I started making iso and got more yield, better consistency, cleaner burn, and much easier to do large amounts. I've smoked some water extract that blows my iso out of the water(pun intended) though, so I know its just me.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
e said he uses bubblebags with dry ice and with bubble bags you have to use water which is where my question comes from. never heard or seen it so was curious how that would even work.