good for my plant


Active Member
whats good for putting on top of my plant that helps it... like people put them brownish balls on, i dont no what they called like:confused:... its an outside grow in uk weather condistions


Active Member
Those brownish balls are compacted clay pellets, but those are used for a growing medium for hydroponics, not for outdoor. when you grow outdoors, you dont need to put anything on top, just fertilize and water when necessary. You can put mulch or woodchips on top of the soil to keep it from drying out, but that will leach nitrogen from the soil, so will have have to fertilize more.


Well-Known Member
Just use good soil and add nutes when needed . They should be thriving under the sun :)


Well-Known Member
Go to a garden store and buy something higher in nitrogen for vegetative growth.
Lets say something like 15-10-15 maybe. And 10-30-10 for flowering.
You shouldn't add any nutes before they are alteast 3-4 weeks old and even then start with 1/4 or 1/2 the ammount. Slowly increase the quanity and they'll do great ;).