Good camouflage plants?


Active Member
I need something that grows really quick, requires minimal supervision (I don't wanna have to be checking on it every 2 days like with my girls) and is quite bushy.


Well-Known Member
don't think anything would grow fast enough to catch up with a plant at this point. corn grows about the same rate as weed.


Well-Known Member
lol I've never watched how fast they grow. we have some type of weed looks about the same as mj. It doesn't seem to get as tall.


Active Member
if i knew the names of the weeds that grow by my house i could really help you out but i have no idea what they are called lol. sorry dude. The weeds by my house actually out grew my plants and i had to trim them down so my plants could get sun. there is a vine that grows like crazy by my house and its the same color green as weed and the leaves look similar and it grows like fuckin wildfire.


Active Member
you can get Ducks foot, kind of looks like mj, hope this helps, i grow mine in black berrys, you get poke alot but it makes my mj looks like same green


Well-Known Member
Mine reseeded from last year and started sprouting early June. They're now 3-4 feet tall and have been flowering for I guess a month-ish? They didn't sprout out of the ground until the temps were in the 80s.


Well-Known Member
Stinging nettles would be the best, spider flowers are rarely seen outside of peoples' yards...

mango tango

Well-Known Member
common ragweed is found everywhere and it looks just like pot while its vegging. common rag weed competes with corn and often times outgrows it. out in corn fields weed can be grown on fence lines and blend right in with all other foliage. also....hemp. i still have hemp that grows ALL over our farms, and its not illegal to have growing, so just throw them into hemp for some nice camo.


Active Member
Grow it in your tomato bed and hang red & green Christmas bulbs from the limbs....

Okay, I'm kidding.

I actually transplanted ragweed plants all around my mj once it was established and got to be about 3 ft tall. My plants maxed out at about 4.5 feet and is about 8-10 inched taller than the ragweed. Looks good from the ground around it!