Good Books??????


Well-Known Member
I havent read many books but the few I have were really good reads and I couldnt put then down.

So lets name a few good books I can read.....and give me a description please....

The best book i have read so far would have to be The bluegrass conspiracy...

Takes place in my very own state of kentucky and is about drug dealers and how lexington was was run by drug money and dirty politicians.....
Books are another one of my favorite diversions....although I cannot read most of them after getting stoned.....This thread has triggered a flood of memories....:joint:
Some of my favorite authors come to my fogged mind:

Elmore Leonard---Maximum Bob, Stick, Gold Coast, Get Shorty, The Moonshine Wars....this guy writes great dialogue for his crisp and luminous "crime" novels

If you like Leonard, check out John D McDonald's Travis Mcgee series....about 21 books or so, all good....
Ross Macdonald also wrote some great detective novels with Lew Archer....

Jim Thomson is quite a disturbing noir writer...The Killer Inside me, Pop 1280,
The Getaway and many others....creepy!

Atlas Shrugged is a book that changed my life....The Fountainhead is quite excellent also!....Thank You Ayn Rand....

Waaaay toooo many more come to mind, but I gotta go now!
Hahaha…… I just smoked my first bowl (Trainwreck) of the day, now I can’t stop thinking about books….
I am obsessing….
Here are some sci-fi/fantasy favorites--

Tales of the Dying Earth, Big planet, Showboat World,The Blue World, Planet of Adventure,Lyonesse---Jack Vance
Gormenghast trilogy----M. Peake
Enders Game---Card
Merlins Ring---Munn
Space Trilogy-Out of the Silent planet/Perelandra/ That Hideous strength---CS Lewis
Childhoods End--- AC Clark
Book of the New Sun---Gene Wolfe
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant---Donaldson
The Well at the Worlds End---Morris
Voyage to Arcturus---Lindsay
Cats Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan--- Vonnegut

Almost anything by Philip K Dick and Harlan Ellison.

Loads more but I loved all of the above!:joint:
Hahaha…… I just smoked my first bowl (Trainwreck) of the day, now I can’t stop thinking about books….
I am obsessing….
Here are some sci-fi/fantasy favorites--

Tales of the Dying Earth, Big planet, Showboat World,The Blue World, Planet of Adventure,Lyonesse---Jack Vance
Gormenghast trilogy----M. Peake
Enders Game---Card
Merlins Ring---Munn
Space Trilogy-Out of the Silent planet/Perelandra/ That Hideous strength---CS Lewis
Childhoods End--- AC Clark
Book of the New Sun---Gene Wolfe
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant---Donaldson
The Well at the Worlds End---Morris
Voyage to Arcturus---Lindsay
Cats Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan--- Vonnegut

Almost anything by Philip K Dick and Harlan Ellison.

Loads more but I loved all of the above!:joint:

let me add on to this:

Kite Runner

Into the Wild

The Martian Chronicles

Over the Cuckoo's Nest.


4 Books I read last, that i really liked.
Damn, FDD, that sucks. Why would you give me a link were I could read the first chapter only....LOL

Now I am going to have to go get that book.
by no means are these books as sophisticated as what everyone else reads but Watchers by dean koontz. Salems lot by steven king and The Stand by steven king was the best book i have ever read. also i believe the great shark hunt, gonzo papers vol 1, strange tails from a strange time by hunter s. thompson. i think this was the book but i was in a downward spiral of booze and coke at the time. ahhh good times, good times.
by no means are these books as sophisticated as what everyone else reads but Watchers by dean koontz. Salems lot by steven king and The Stand by steven king was the best book i have ever read. also i believe the great shark hunt, gonzo papers vol 1, strange tails from a strange time by hunter s. thompson. i think this was the book but i was in a downward spiral of booze and coke at the time. ahhh good times, good times.

I read like crazy and I like it all, especially King, he gets a bad name cuase he's a hack but I like him a lot. Salem's Lot was good, The Stabd was good, have you read IT yet? The Shining?

Ok books I read recently...
King- Tommyknockers -sci fi horror novel about a town that finds a strange object in the woods that does strange things to them.

Richard Matheson- I Am Legend read this a million times. Last man on earth scenario, one twist is all the dead suffer from a diesease like vampirism. A man his will to survive and the struggle to remain sane, awesome read and I can tell you the upcoming movie is not really close to the book...leave it to Hollywood to ruin a good story

Lovecraft- A compilation of short stories, sorry forget the title. But it's Lovecraft, if you like dark, grim, and weird go for it.

Bentley Little- The Return- This guy is sick period, fucked up shit.

Book of Buds Vol. 1-3 You should know this one already.

Peter Straub- Ghost Story- awesome book about, well the title says it all.

Steve King- The Mist- another one I have read a lot over the years, just read again for the movie...still one of my favorites..." Smething in the mist"

I'm in a horror phase right now but oh well it's all good.
I also enjoy King's books....
My top King novels in order of preference:

The Stand
Lisey's Story
Bag of Bones
Salem's Lot
Pet Semetary
Skeleton Crew----the Mist is in this collection.
The Shining
The Dark Tower series

Gygax1974, HP Lovecraft kicks creepy ass...At the Mountains of Madness and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward...great stuff!!!
Straubs Ghost Story is great, it also made a good movie unlike... most of Kings novels!
I wanna read I Am Legend...

Hey Tokes, I gotta check out Kite Runner one of these days...soon...
Cuckoos nest is outstanding....Kesey also wrote the most excellent Sometimes a Great Notion, I liked it better than Cuckoos.....
Into the Wild is a standout, did you read Into Thin Air?
Kant did you read The three Musketeers? The Man in the Iron Mask?
Fantastic literature with major action and humor...lots of boozing and so on...hahaha
Monte Cristo is amazing!
I like to read James Patterson novels, they are my favorite. And all kinds of other fiction like thriller, suspense, cops and robbers, scifi, love stories. I also read alot of non-fiction too, self help, health, gardening etc. Magazines and all. I read everything. :mrgreen: