Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Tremac: 1) That was only 3 nugs out of the 1/4 oz. bag. 2) For your quote to be true, you would necessarily have to have smoked some of my pot, which I'm confident you haven't. 3) I never claimed that I had just scored the best deal in the world on a 1/4 oz of pot. If that's what you thought I was implying, then my apologies. 4) I have absolutely no idea what is or isn't a good deal. But I have been paying this price for several years now. That is my only knowledge I have about buying pot and how much the shit goes for. I don't know anybody else that buys pot. It's not a big deal for me. You could be right if you are suggesting I've been overpaying. 5) I guess some pot is more expensive than others. The stuff I smoke is one-hit stuff. Not just by my account, but by others who have smoked it.

Finally, thanks for being such a class act. You rock. I bet you'd be a riot to hang out with and have a beer.

k don't get to emoational its just weed and its seems to me that ive pissed you off or something becasue it looks like you have put alot of time tryin to make me feel bad but it dosn't work


Well-Known Member
bro why do you feel the need to lie and try to impress ppl online?
I know right?

We don't know each other and don't take this the wrong way guys and gals but I have NO interest in meeting any of you.

I am a Hermit ;)

We can share pics and learn online though.


so i finally took some pics for you guys here they are .....................
the first budz are bubble gum and then some oil hash and then a unknown strain,also throw a couple plant pics in too!!!!



Well-Known Member
tremac420 you needa relax kid. buying trees is not some competition. if you're coppin for the low, great for you but honestly nobody really cares because most of the people on this website grow their own bud.