Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Well-Known Member
All of these fine looking buds is making me hungry! Bucket Head, love the look of that SLH! Might have to start some in the next few weeks. Have to finish moving first.


Well-Known Member
JTR under a mix of 150hps and 275w cfl , earth juice molasses and aloe...cure for two monthsbongsmilienot much stank but the head high is insane , i be talking to my self ...



Well-Known Member
best shit ive had around my area has been some of this super sticky NYC diesel, WOW that stuff blew me away, it was grow very well and cured to perfection, next in line was probobly this stuff id got for the first time Cherry Haze, it was a really good buzz, nice taste to it aswell