Gonzo's Odor Eliminator is LEGIT


Well-Known Member
Picked up a bag at my local home improvement store for 5.99.

Dropped it in the tent containing my skunk hybrid on 5th week of flower. She's exceptionally staaaank. NLxSkunk :thumbup:

Within an hour....90% of the stank was gone. I am blown away.

Currently light is on and I watered last night..prime stinky time. Tent is open and I smell nothing standing 2 ft from the open tent door.

Probably not a sole solution for you big timers with many plants... but for my personal grow it is exceptionally effective. And I would even say try it as a compensating control. Would probably make your carbon filters more effective as it would have less to scrub.

I am going to grab one more to see if it will kill it altogether so I don't have to place ona gel around my crib anymore.

Supposed to last up to 6 months and best part is you recharge them by drying out rocks under the sun for a day. Then you have another 6 months.

Just my 2¢

Anything written above can only be considered the rambling on of a belligerent old fool who has created a magical land in his mind where he is an amazing marijuana cultivator. all pictures and information have been stolen from the "worldwide web"


Well-Known Member
It says, "Once rocks stop eliminating odors, place in the sun for 6 to 8 hours to recharge". I wonder if they were exposed to an HID, if they would be constantly "recharging"?