Gonna try out & Use a 600W HPS for whole Grow!!!!


I ordered a 600W HPS kit and they sent me 2 600W HPS bulbs:lol: instead of 1 bulb so gonna see what going to happen to my crop of 5 plants.
My plan is to: Seedlings for 2 weeks under LED lights
then 4 weeks Vegging Under the 600W HPS for 20 hours on, 4 hours Off:idea:
and lastly 8-9 weeks flowering with 600W HPS 12 hours on, 12 hours off.:leaf:
Hydro Grow of course, I'm growing in CoCo peat
using DutchMaster Gold Range One Grow & Bloom Nutrients
and DutchMaster Liquid Light & Saturator Foliar Spray as well.

Anythoughts on how the plants will react to having only one spectrum range of light, but a powerful source of light the whole grow???:?:

Anyone tried this out before???:?:


Well-Known Member
that will work BUT you shouldn't veg under the HPS. The HPS is giving red spectrum to the plants, this is good for flower but not for veg. If you have a digital ballast you can order a Metal Halide conversion bulb to use during veg. The Metal Halide gives blue spectrum. You might be able to get away with vegging using only the LED's. I have a friend who veg's with only T5 flouro's for 4-6 weeks then flowers with HPS. works great.


Active Member
can be done. im doing it right now cause i dont have a conversion bulb atm. 2 weeks under led and week 4 of 600w hps. seems to go fine.


I use nothing but 300w and higher LED for everything,however the question is how many plants are you doing 8 band LED'S are so cheap now mh and hs light are now the dark ages,again number of plants?


Well-Known Member
I don't use my 400 watt mh, it gets hot and i am tired of swapping out reflectors etc. I use HPS all the way.

I actually would like to see my plants stretch a bit, they are little bushes.


Well-Known Member
you can do almost anything and it can work. But why would you want to? IT is WELL known that plants veg better under MH. IF you can't tell the difference, then your not looking hard enough. More branching, more compact, and just better overall health (not those pale looking leaves).

HPS is the dark ages? LMAO. Yeah, the dark ages of cranking out pounds of high quality product. you rock your 300 watt LED and I'll rock my 12,600 watts of HPS.


New Member
I use nothing but 300w and higher LED for everything,however the question is how many plants are you doing 8 band LED'S are so cheap now mh and hs light are now the dark ages,again number of plants?
That statement couldn't be farther from the truth, at least where i come from.
I've been a well establish grower and provider in the CA. Bay Area for quite some time and have visited many grow rooms in my day, I've yet to see a decent size grow house using anything other than hps from start to finish or T5's and MH for veg.


Well-Known Member
I ordered a 600W HPS kit and they sent me 2 600W HPS bulbs:lol: instead of 1 bulb so gonna see what going to happen to my crop of 5 plants.
My plan is to: Seedlings for 2 weeks under LED lights
then 4 weeks Vegging Under the 600W HPS for 20 hours on, 4 hours Off:idea:
and lastly 8-9 weeks flowering with 600W HPS 12 hours on, 12 hours off.:leaf:
Hydro Grow of course, I'm growing in CoCo peat
using DutchMaster Gold Range One Grow & Bloom Nutrients
and DutchMaster Liquid Light & Saturator Foliar Spray as well.

Anythoughts on how the plants will react to having only one spectrum range of light, but a powerful source of light the whole grow???:?:

Anyone tried this out before???:?:
Yes and it worked great. Congrats on the spare bulb!

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I've done full grows on HPS and i've switched from MH to HPS from veg to flower, never saw a difference....

Using a quality bulb with a good spectrum is all that counts.
Its about setting your plant's circadian rythym. Its the timing of your light more than the amount. With 1 600 watt you definetly o.ly want to do a few plants though

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I ordered a 600W HPS kit and they sent me 2 600W HPS bulbs:lol: instead of 1 bulb so gonna see what going to happen to my crop of 5 plants.
See my avatar? That was done (and many others) with ONLY HPS from start to finish. I've germed with 4' fluor tubes which worked well too but quickly moved them under a regular 600W HPS. The only reason to flip flop from say....MH to HPS is to keep the pocketbooks of the hydro shysters nice and fat and maintain another lame forum paradigm. Blind leading the blind.

Both lamps are full spectrum. Do the experiment yourself..... so you'll know better.

The use of HPS exclusively does not induce longer internodes. High P foods do. This is a 'must read' if you're looking for (my kind of) scientific empirical results as opposed to forum anecdotal evidence:

Fertilizers with high proportions of their nitrogen in the nitrate form typically contain little or no phosphate, resulting in compact plants and leading to the incorrect assumption that nitrate nitrogen causes compactness. Fertilizers with high proportions of nitrogen in the ammonium form (33 percent or more) invariably contain high levels of phosphate. These fertilizers yield the more luxuriant growth to which we are accustomed and result in the belief that ammoniacal nitrogen causes stretch.

Thus, if compact plants are your goal, you should limit the amount of phosphorus applied to the plants; conversely, if full plants are your goal, you should apply fertilizers containing the appropriate levels of phosphorus.

Question becomes, "what is the appropriate level of phosphorous"? I used an 18-5-9 exclusively from start to finish on this year's outdoor grow and they did very well (with the exception of being beaten up by wind....which is neither here nor there.) The plants had a very strong, thick, branching root system, leaves were green up to harvest, yields were fine. Conclusion - a 18-5-9 contains sufficient P to grow vigorous, healthy flowering foliage plants, aka cannabis.

Having said that I bought a 400W MH and vegged for a while and then added the 600W HPS. I made that choice to see if there is a difference (there isn't), to save on electricity as they seedlings grow, and to ramp up my lumen output.

Good luck,
Uncle Ben

Not A Game

Well-Known Member
MH bulbs are fucking stupid. 15 degree temperature decrease in my room with HPS and twice the light output.

Left: 1 plant under 400w hps
Right: 5 plants under 600w MH :finger:


This was the only time I used an MH bulb ever and there was ZERO difference in how they grow during veg. The left plant is just naturally monstrous. It was originally started under MH, then I chose the biggest one to grow by itself. It continued to be ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
There shouldn't be any difference in your room temps when switching between MH and HPS bulbs...
I disagree.
I had a 600 watt hps under some stairs and it got a bit hot.
I made it into a veg room and put a 400 watt mh in there. It got hotter than with the 600 watt hps.

MH run hotter than hps.