Gonna try auto flower next..couple questions.


Well-Known Member
For my next grow I'm gonna try some autos. I will be growing 2 plants to start. Auto pounder and ak48 auto. I am using a 400 hps 5 gal final pots and ffof soil. My question with ffof do I had nutes at 3 weeks or later. And I use ff triple and I read you don't use all 3 on auto. Any help or advice would be cool. First time grow with auto and ffof.


Well-Known Member
why 5 gal pots at one gal per month ...you ain't gonna keep them for 5 months...? alway dilute your FFOF with 30-50% pelite


New Member
While this doesn't answer your question, there is something that should be kept in mind when growing auto flowers in general. Though I can not comment specifically on the two strains you are growing, I have read on many sources that you should not transplant auto-flowers, instead opting to plant them directly in to their final containers. Unfortunately, it was something I read too late and I suspect that I had a diminished yield as a result of my transplant. This is something you may or may not have already heard about, but I figured it was better to point that out just in case.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for advice I will def go straight to final grow instead of transplant also will probly go with 3 gal pots. Thanks for tips.