gone for 3 days. wtf


Well-Known Member
lets say i really try to help my plant because i feel it has about 3 to 4 weeks of flowering. if i hang with it and it ends up dying anyway, will i have lost potency in my buds because i waited and didnt pick them in the next few days, or is the potency that is there going to stay. i just want the best nugs i can get.


Well-Known Member
ok here are some pics i took with my laptop cam. the first one is a plant i just chopped, and the second one is another plant in the same position, but i left there just in case, because it has bigger buds. i just want to know if it is for sure the end for these plants. sorry about the shoddy pics, thats why i neglected to take pics was cuz of my lac of a good cam.



Well-Known Member
yeah i know that (this is my first grow, too many plants) but what i dont know is if these plants are salvagable. up close their leaves are curling up and drying at the tips, and drooping bad. i already chopped the one that is taked from an above view, should i do the one that is taken from below? help!


Well-Known Member
how far into flowering r u again?and yea im on my first grow to,just started flowering check it out i just did lst to update pics twice a day,im giving u rep aslo.and i would try to salvage them jsut let me know how far u r againand ill let u know what it hink


Well-Known Member
I've screwed up a few plants and they never came back when they looked like yours.
That's the bad news.
The good news is that they smoked up pretty good even though 3 weeks from finished.
I couldn't tell the difference......but maybe that's just me.


Well-Known Member
well if u harvest 2 early or 2 late itll just be some regs,but u can still dry and cure and get some decent smoke just not as good of a high


Well-Known Member
well im 6 weeks in, got about a quarter to 30 percent orange hairs on some of the buds. i know thay wont be dense bue they might smoke good! who cares its been a really good learning experience and i have unlimited supplies of bud anyways. im just ready for my next grow. so you ARE saying i should chop anythign that looks like that? and wheres a good place to get seeds if i live in the u.s. thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
canna if u want some seeds ill send u 10 in the mail just hit me up bro.and yea chop allthe buds that u ghink r smokeable dry them and cure them smoke them! itll still get u high bro,and dont forget to check out my thread gonna keep it active until my plants r budding and fully done


Well-Known Member
they are 6 weeks into flowering. so are you saying i should chop them if they look like that or wait for a miracle. remember, i already chopped one just incase the bud quality of the other goes down as it dies ( if it does). either way its been a great learning experience.


Well-Known Member
yea chop them and if u want seeds u ca have some i got a bunch mixed strains indica and sativa ull get a surprise and they all usally germinate! just subrsive to my thread so i can giv u rep and add u to my contacts