Golden diesel cross, critical +, Sweet Cheese, Super sour og, white rose s1, bagseed

Pics of GDKK x TM almost end of week 6. Also fed the bagseed and my Tall S1 bout same as bag in height today 1-13-6 vermicrop pk boost and sunleaves indonesian bat 0-7-0 with some epsom salts in there for magnesium (helps plants uptake potassium) since they are gonna take a while no rush tho.

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I just wanted to show it of height wise might take pics tomorrow the last plant I put in is SSOG not sweet cheese my bad on that it has the most super lemony smell I have ever ran across like lemon warhead in your mouth smell mixed with fresh cut lemon and it's indica dominant.
whole room left to right GDKKx TM left bottom left in square radius is sweet cheese cant see one of em, then super sour far right, behind it is Crit +, S1 pollenated with SSOG 2 weeks ago mid growing seeds, bag behind GD and S1 and tall S1 behind crit +IMAG0441.jpg
Just saying bro i have no idea which plants are which based on your instructions, it would much better with individual pictures because i dont even try to find the individual strains anymore in the group shot because its they arent in rows or anything. They look absolutely lovely though :)
Just saying bro i have no idea which plants are which based on your instructions, it would much better with individual pictures because i dont even try to find the individual strains anymore in the group shot because its they arent in rows or anything. They look absolutely lovely though :)
yeeeeeeeeeeea gotta take better pic when I feed tomorrow or tonight fresh water
Updates sweet cheese first two, then SSOG next 2, crit + 2 after, S1 crossed with SSOG, next two GDKKxTM next 2, bagseed and S1 trees, then 2 cheeses on left GDKKxTM that pollenated with SSOG and Sweet Cheese pollinated with SSOG 3 weeks ago, SSOG in Back be done maybe oct early NOV, Pink Pistols on SSOGIMAG0444.jpg IMAG0445.jpg IMAG0446.jpg IMAG0447.jpg IMAG0448.jpg IMAG0449.jpg IMAG0450.jpg IMAG0451.jpg IMAG0456.jpg IMAG0457.jpg
The other sweet cheese phenos I have left back and right back look like keepers nice structure height bud stacking tight compact these are in week these are in week 4 the one in black pot small one is 1 week in flower

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Updates watering straight water week 8, first pics is a group shot, next 2 are sweet cheese, crit +, GDKKxTM, SSOG, S1 Winter Rose mango pheno I crossed this round with SSOG Male

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Last of the plants to be watered my GD and Cheese that were pollenated by SSOG, tall plants are Bag left S1 right got 3 sweet cheese in there SSog last pic, 2nd is Bagseed, 1st group shot of last to be watered

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My last other cheese plants with the sweet cheese strain it's best to just let em grow wild if you defoliate you wll lower your yields just an observation. the plant drooping is super sour og underwatered watered today and added a tray beneth it extra water on deck if needed.
