Gold Coloured Streaks on Plant

Hey guys its my first post here and wouldnt you know it i have a problem.
I hope someone can help

The plants are Frisian Dew and they've been outside for about 2 weeks now.
There 6 weeks old an in Plagron allmix soil.

sorry about the quality of the pix.


If theres anymore info required please let me know as i want to get them sorted out asap
nutrient deficiency perhaps. Are the leaf tips/edges turning brown? When did you feed last and with what? Looks like a magnesium or potassium deficiency to me but cant tell. Potassium deficiency tends to begin to affect older leaves first and yellow with brown edges and brittle stems eventually, magnesium starts in older leaves and progresses to middle leaves with similar symptoms but veins in leaves remain green. Good luck, I would try giving your plant a good feeding.


Active Member
nutrient deficiency perhaps. Are the leaf tips/edges turning brown? When did you feed last and with what? Looks like a magnesium or potassium deficiency to me but cant tell. Potassium deficiency tends to begin to affect older leaves first and yellow with brown edges and brittle stems eventually, magnesium starts in older leaves and progresses to middle leaves with similar symptoms but veins in leaves remain green. Good luck, I would try giving your plant a good feeding.
i got some seedlings thats like these pictures, ph is 6.5, temps are 70-75 in day time and 69 at night' mine are almost 6 weeks havn't been fed apart from whats already in the soil. would you think its time to feed or a def coz they havn't got stunted grwoth.
From scunkworm: i got some seedlings thats like these pictures, ph is 6.5, temps are 70-75 in day time and 69 at night' mine are almost 6 weeks havn't been fed apart from whats already in the soil. would you think its time to feed or a def coz they havn't got stunted grwoth.

Er...six weeks seems past due to feed if it hasn't been done. I'm not saying that is it but if PH is ok, and ur watering regularly without feeding, then feeding would be a good place to start. Im thinking feed them half strength with grow nutes and see what happens. If it doesn't work, start looking for other issues.


Active Member
Yeah thanks man, i will give them half a ml of bio bizz bio grow later and like you said then if thats not it look for something else.