going to work baked?


Active Member
oh yeah,it might not be such a good idea but i've done it before and no one caught on XD

any of you out there do this or have come close to doing it

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i work while im baked on good white widow,dosnt get me all brain dead,it actually lights my fire.

just dont get caught blowing dank hitts in the port a potty before the boss goes in there,ha ha those were the days


Well-Known Member
long as you aren't to where you cant function or working with equipment that is dangerous whats the problem? Might get a nasty papercut?


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke like, 10 joints a day at work when I was a pizza delivery driver. I thought I was slick then they fired me and I found out they knew all along. Probably doesn't help that I was sneaking other employees with me when they were on break (Very illegal, in itself) and we would blaze up. Good times.


Well-Known Member
Ive got an easy job where I dont really get that much $$ so I only go blazed so they dont know the difference. Havent been caught yet coz I can function like myslef when I'm baked. Its just so much nicer working hahah I actually dont mind going to work


Well-Known Member
I do it everyday i work, all my co workers smoke, every break bake, every lunchy we get the munchies haha ;)


Well-Known Member
duuuuude are you kidding me, i go to work high all the fuckin time, as long as your not doing anything crazy you shoud be good ha but then again i do evrything baked thats just the way it is


I go to work stoned prolly half the time. Sometimes it's pretty cool, on those slow weekdays where there's not very many people...but if it's a weekend there's usually a lot of people comin' in and out, so it's kinda lame having to work stoned... but it makes dealing with stupid people easier...