What the hell is your prob, Man?
No disrespect meant...your avatar is that of a woman so I thought you are a girl....easy mistake.
So let me get this straight then...I am, by your own deductions, a bigot, sexist, racist, and a war monger.
I would get my ass "wasted" by men who actually served (not you of course because you are a fucking pussy but are tough because you work with men who served)
I never indicated violence in any way..you injected the vile hatred....and call me racist names such as a "cracker".
How the hell did you get selected to be a mod on this website?
You "sir", are a dick....
Justin Bieber is a guy.
Not by my deduction, by your statements. I quoted, I tried to use little words so you'd understand.
I never said the guys I worked with would waste YOU, just your shitty opinions.
If being a pussy means I'm not a war mongering, judgmental bigot, with a propensity to insult and imply threts, than I am what I eat.
I didn't serve for a couple reasons. When I was 17 and tried to "pre-enlist" with the USMC I was denied. My reason for wanting to join? "I like hurting people, and I want a safe outlet." That was a "no go." When I was 18, I enlisted, I went through boot camp, I made it up until B.C. changed the game, and booted everyone with "violent, criminal, or gang related tattoos" and people with juvenile records. When I was 30, I worked for a little company -- Raytheon -- you might have heard of them. I wrote what's called "end point termination software." That's when I worked with the military. Can't discuss it further, national security and all...
The "ass wasted," I'll come back to it, because it encompassed the "pussy" remark. PM me when you are in town, we can grab a burger at The Frontier, and I'll tell you to your face that you are a war mongering sexist bigot. I'll explain, in a calm fashion, exactly why I feel that way.
No one thinks I'm a shitty mod more than me. I am a mod for one reason. I've been a part of this board since 2009. I forgot my old account name (although I remember the password.) When I was a fugitive, this board was here, and I had friends on it. I got out, expired my parole, rejoined, and this board is a major part of my life. I don't like people, here, I meet others that I DO like though. The reason I became a Mod is so that I could contribute to a community that's given me a much more broad outlook.It was suggested that I ask -- by a couple people -- to become a Mod. I didn't want to, because I think a self-serving psychopath shouldn't necessarily wield power. Apparently a person with a good reputation, that tries to follow the rules, loves this community, and is willing to help out on this site is exactly the qualities needed for a Mod.
And finally, I'm not a dick. I'm a sociopath. Which is why I know how the military handles sociopaths that attempt to gain entry.
You attacked -- were you really, I mean REALLY, surprised that your bullshit "fuck you anti solders" rant was questioned? Especially when it wasn't a "fuck you solders" thread, and your choice of victims said nothing contrary about most of the military?