You might very well be a nice person with your heart in the right place but if you think for a second that an the average American military person is a terrorist you need to expand your world understanding.
The reason we have "smart" weapons today is because we place so much value on human life. That drone and traditional aircraft has sensors on it that make your little ps4 look like cave man shit.
little kids and innocents do get killed, unfortunately...not becuase U.S. military are evil...because the cocksukin enemy uses them as shields and hides in their midst. THEY have no regard for human life. They are snakes.
The stories I could tell would shit yourself and scream for your mommy.
You've caused me to rethink my previous statement. I'm now of the opinion that a great deal of the rank and file are terrorists, also.
The reason we have "smart weapons" is technical advance. "Arms Race." It didn't end with nukes, it won't end with smart weapons. It won't end with space stations, space travel, or anything else. Humanity, at it's very core, is rotten, the arms race is no different than it was 10,000 years ago. Started with a little rock, other guy grabbed a bigger rock, someone else grabbed a stick, and then someone sharpened a stick... Same "race" only going to be "won" with the annihilation of mankind.
In the above segment of your post, you get all high and mighty about how wonderful life is, and how much the military values it. But, they still see no problem with bombing little children to kill avowed "enemies." That's a conflicting statement. If we're SO GREAT and they're SO BAD, how come WE are the ones killing those little kids? If our "special forces" are so special, why do we need to kill innocent children?
For every story you can tell about war and the horrors of it, members here can tell you stories about neighborhoods here in America that are just as dangerous. They can tell you fucked up stories about people shit that happens here that would make you wanna' run back to your mommy and tuck your head in her bosom as you weep with terror. Other members can tell you stories about prisons and what they're like; what they saw and heard.
All you military haters, pack your shit and leave. The freedom you enjoy is 100% attributable to your military friends and family.
It is fine to suggest alternative perspectives to national policy but to blatantly spit in this face of those who protect you is beyond disrespectful and is not acceptable in any way.
My family was here first, why don't you pack your shit and fuckin' leave? You want a dictatorship run by the military, and claiming "freedom" than pack up and leave. I have my rights because a group of founding fathers fought for the rights of Americans and put some of them on paper -- known as "The Bill of Rights." Every time there's a military action Americans loose rights.
Mr "All about rights" that you are, you seem to forget that there's a First Amendment right to free speech, and a protection given to those exercising that right.
Thank you to the members here who have served, lost brothers and sisters in arms, we are one.
I'll not disparage anyone that's served in the military -- at least not for serving. A little secret, though. A lot of people in the military are bad people. They don't deserve thanks, they deserve prison.
Oh yeah, and screw your brainwashing shit....ignorant ass posts by people that don't know shit.
The military doesn't brainwash, they build on thoughts and emotions that most of us have from know, non-communist Americans.
Bullshit. The military will not take people with documented Antisocial Personality Disorders. That SHOULD BE the target audience. People that feel no qualms about killing, know no guilt, and thrive on action and adventure ... What they DO take are people with low to mid range IQ points, predominantly from poorer and less educated families. They focus on young people that have no history of violence (as determined by a court of law.) They focus on people who need an escape. They lie and make empty promises, manipulate, desensitize the recruits to violence, break them mentally, and instill in them what would be classically defined as an Antisocial Personality Disorder. How is that NOT brainwashing?
In conclusion, you strike me as a mouth breathing jingoistic fascist with an inferiority complex who thinks being an asshole to people with differing opinions is how to change their views. Is that accurate? Or, are you just a bully, thinking you can insult your way through arguments and discussions?
OP: See, this guy here -- he's what we're talking about, unresolved anger, PTSD most likely, a god complex. If you enlist, make sure you have an exit strategy that includes counselling.