going to start growing soon


Well-Known Member


when you say your room is 3.5ft square in width you mean 3.5x3.5 or 3.q sqft total?

no i am going to grow it in the closet......the closet is has 4 walls in a square shape each is withing 4ft of each other the the height of it is about 6ft if you can picture that i just want to know what kind of lighting would i need to grow 2 plants at a time?
A 400w hid should be adequete to sustain two plants but you could go 600w (with good ventilation) and grow some big shrubs and get some decent yeilds.
If you had some space to make a small veg room you could get the whole perpetual thing going and harvest every 1.5 months. just an idea
But yea a 400watter should do ya


yes but any idea of what kind of lights (ex. like company and flourecent or not?) and i plan on buying one of those pc grow boxes to keep it stealth from pcgrowbox.com because i still live with my parents im not growing to sell im doing it so i dont have to deal with shitty drug dealers anymore


Active Member
Pls reconsider growing if not in your own home. It's not only you that will get heat if yur grow is found out. That being said if you do a pc grow (didnt click the link) they are small boxes and will require cool lighting. Either cfl or led. As for your room size, we are wondering is each wall 4 ft long which is totally different than 4 sq feet. Remember your mutiplication tables? 4 foot long 4 foot wide = 8 sq feet.


Pls reconsider growing if not in your own home. It's not only you that will get heat if yur grow is found out. That being said if you do a pc grow (didnt click the link) they are small boxes and will require cool lighting. Either cfl or led. As for your room size, we are wondering is each wall 4 ft long which is totally different than 4 sq feet. Remember your mutiplication tables? 4 foot long 4 foot wide = 8 sq feet.
im sorry im not very good with measurements but if you were to take measuring tape and measure how long each wall is separated they are 4ft (regular not square or what ever that is) and hight about 6ft and if you check out that link it comes with a whole set up and lighting it is decent sized very discreet i could grow 2 plants and get just about 2-3ounces and thatll last me a few months personal use i just want to know if i can grow some nice plants in that too

p.s. my room is in the basement already and they know i smoke weed they are cool with it as long as i dont stink up the house or smoke infront of them im not trying to be dumb and sell or tell everyone i know just trying to save money


Active Member
I didn't meen to come off offensive. So yeah if you length and width (each wall is 4 feet) is 4 feet, the it's 8 sq feet. I would personally save the money on the "box" and use that for good soil (assuming yur going soil) and lighting, ventilation, as well as nutrients. Maybe even a carbon scrubber to keep the smells down.


I didn't meen to come off offensive. So yeah if you length and width (each wall is 4 feet) is 4 feet, the it's 8 sq feet. I would personally save the money on the "box" and use that for good soil (assuming yur going soil) and lighting, ventilation, as well as nutrients. Maybe even a carbon scrubber to keep the smells down.

no no you didnt come off offensive its the dumb internet that make everything seem like serious lmfao im just explaining my situation i am a first time grower you know? lol & you dont think i can grow 2 nice plants at a time in that box? the measurements are fairly big and this is temporary i am trying to be respectful to the parents as well lol atleast till i move on my own lol


Active Member
Depends on the box. The link went to the main page, not a specific box. You can grow in a cardboard box even. Lol. IMHO grow boxes are a waste as you can build one way cheaper.


Depends on the box. The link went to the main page, not a specific box. You can grow in a cardboard box even. Lol. IMHO grow boxes are a waste as you can build one way cheaper.
i was going to get the PC Grow Box Flower Box LST and get the timer nutriens soil and all that with it i mean this should be good enough to grow some crazy smoking weed for myself in the closet and if they look inside the closet it looks normal because im a computer nerd and build pc's so i have like 3 hollow pc cases in the closet already ;) lmfao but yea check out the 2nd box in the first row on the rain page that is the 1 lol


Active Member
21x8x19, will probably do 1 plant with very short veg or maybe (maybe) 2 running 12/12 from seed (doubtful though). Again though, you said yu have pc towers. All the rest can be bought for way less. If I'm spending 400 bucks, I could get a killer light for that.


i mean how much do you even think i can get off 1 plant in that anyway? and the bad part is i need those cases cause i do sell computers too but yea i mean if i bought some seeds off nirvanashop i think anything can grow in there am i wright or wrong?


Active Member
Get a indica dominant plant. The Re generally short to begin with and lst will help keep it short. How much off one plant is debatable. To many factors. At most I would say 1 oz. that would be a very near perfect grow though. Again I don't do small scale, so I will step back and let the pc growers chime in.


Well-Known Member
I understand that your box dimensions are 4x4 and height 6ft, you need 600w for it and it is a decent area far from a micro grow. if you want smaller, you can get a 250w or 400w, but it will not cover the whole are, general rule of thumb is about 50w of HPS per foot