Going to order first seeds tonight or tomorrow...looking for advice on picking one

d burg

As I had mentioned in my first ever post, I'm going to start my first grow for personal, medicinal purposes. I have had somewhat severe anxiety problems for a couple years now, and my current anxiety medication causes bad side effects like terrible dizziness and drowsiness.

I'm thinking about ordering either Lowryder 2 or Lowryder Easy ryder because I have read for a while that they are easy and good beginner plants. Which one would you prefer for this problem? I read Easy Ryder is sativa dominant with AK-47 mixed in there, so I was wondering whether that would make my anxiety worse.

Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
As I had mentioned in my first ever post, I'm going to start my first grow for personal, medicinal purposes. I have had somewhat severe anxiety problems for a couple years now, and my current anxiety medication causes bad side effects like terrible dizziness and drowsiness.

I'm thinking about ordering either Lowryder 2 or Lowryder Easy ryder because I have read for a while that they are easy and good beginner plants. Which one would you prefer for this problem? I read Easy Ryder is sativa dominant with AK-47 mixed in there, so I was wondering whether that would make my anxiety worse.

Thanks for your help.

Hey there,
Don't order the seeds until you are sure that what you're getting is good for you. Like you fear, the wrong strain can have adverse effects rather than helping you. I think (but REALLY not sure) that high CBD strains are good for your conditions, but I'm not sure about that. Google stuff and find what you need, but don't take anything for granted and look for consensus or safe expert advice, something you can rely upon, not just random posts in forum threads. Perhaps consult a physician who is familiar with MMJ, even if you have no license.

best of luck, be well and feel good


Well-Known Member
there are some threads here just on anxiety strains, ought to show up on a site search here
i have the same issue myself, it's tough to find the best medicine
i've had some luck, the right MJ can help


I would suggest before buying seeds and committing to months of work and waiting without knowing whether the strain will actually help your anxiety or not... you should buy a variety of buds from a few dealers and try as many out as you can. Then you'll know what works for you and what doesn't.

Besides, Marijuana effects everyone differently. Just because someone says that strain X is good for Y health condition doesn't mean it'll work the same for you.

Almost all marijuana may increase your heart rate which may not be the best thing for anxiety, even if it otherwise enhances your mood and relaxes your brain. You'll have to experiment more.

Oh, and get more daily, vigorous exercise, and do some heavy weight lifting, which will result in better overall health and quite effectively help lower anxiety. Combine that with the right weed and you'll be golden. :joint:

d burg

Thanks for the responses.

I would suggest before buying seeds and committing to months of work and waiting without knowing whether the strain will actually help your anxiety or not... you should buy a variety of buds from a few dealers and try as many out as you can. Then you'll know what works for you and what doesn't.
I wish I could. I just moved to a new city in a state with no medical marijuana laws, so right now I have no contacts to try marijuana as medication. This is part of the reason why I'm looking to growing some.

I honestly can't take my current prescribed anxiety medication anymore so I'm going to try and make it until I grow some medical marijuana for myself.


Well-Known Member
I strongly suggest growing an Indica dominate strain. Afghani #1, Hindu Kush or something similar.

Also, you will find that simply growing will help your anxiety. ;)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the recommendation. are any of those easy to grow? I will be a complete newb at this.
This is an impossible question to answer because I do not know you. Have you ever grown anything before? Do you understand the basic principles of gardening?

If not, just find a "growers guide" out there and follow it the best you can.

d burg

I've casually grown a few plants. But because they aren't plants that produce anything, I didn't really do anything to them other than set them by a window and gave them water. But every one I've raised is alive today.

But...I've never grown anything for the sake of consuming what they produced.


Active Member
Don't order the seeds until you are sure that what you're getting is good for you. Like you fear, the wrong strain can have adverse effects rather than helping you. I think (but REALLY not sure) that high CBD strains are good for your conditions
I strongly suggest growing an Indica dominate strain. Afghani #1, Hindu Kush or something similar.

Also, you will find that simply growing will help your anxiety.

I think this is good advice D, don't be in too much a hurry. Higher THC and Sativas are going to send you to the moon & may give you more paranoia, whereas Indicas are more of a chillout or couch-lock affect. I also like seedfinder.eu for third-party reviews and opinions. Breeders and reseller stats can be misleading, as they are trying to sell you. Asking on the boards will also give different opinions, we all have different variances in our biochemistry & environments. Temperature, Humidity, and likelihood of mold are also considerations.

Until you know what you like, some breeders offer mix packs, where you might get 1-2 seeds of 3-5 strains, or consider a pick and mix order, where you just order 1-2 seeds at a time. I like these options to sample varieties.

Best of Luck


Well-Known Member
though i haven't grown any of this breeder's product - Mandala - this is one breeder that seems to have attempted to produce strains for anxiety and depression
they also seem to be fairly easy to grow(from the grow reports i've seen)
so a bit of reading on these strains might be a good starting point