Going to Grow, need seeds Low Odor/Low Height


Active Member
Well, guys I got scammed at my school. Some fagget ass dealer sold me seeds that were supposedly weed seeds but they werent. After 3 days of growing the fake ones i got really skeptic after they wudnt germinate in paper towels or in water. So I got the cup and looked for the seed and it was in the original state with no sign of shell breakage. I have a picture of them. I am wondering if they are fake(or not marijuana seeds). Which they are probably not real ones. Anyways Im kinda Pissed about that :twisted:

Alright so this leads me to my question. I wanna buy a strain that has low odor. I have activated carbon but i dont really wanna go out and buy a carbon filter cuz im on a low budget and plus i have no car. The lowest odor strains I have heard of is Cinderella 99 and Northern Lights. Any others?

And My second concern is height. I have a tub grow box (look at my pictures) and its only about 14 inches high. I can always get another tub and put it on top with a whle on the bottom :) but i was really thinkning of flowering when its 2 weeks into vegging. How high will it be at 2 weeks into vegging, then how high wud it be after flowering? Will the early flowering really work?

I live at home with my parents and I really dont want to get caught. I know its really stupid to grow in your parents house but i am willing to take the risk for I have everything under control besides odor.

Listen, I dont want any replies of dont do it its dumb to grow in your parents house. I KNOW THAT!

any help with my concerns will be greatly appreciated. PLEASE HELP !!!

P.S i caught my mom smoking ganja at the super bowl party haha it was great!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Doesnt look like a marijuana seed to me, all the ones i have ever seen havent been of a distinct colour (your seed is distinctly brown) they have been a grey-ish green, but i think you should get a second opinion on the seed before you do anything drastic, the grow area might be a bit to small, i would recommend 3 feet atleast, normally the minumum hieght a marijuana plant should be before flowering is 14', maybe if you grew a indica strain and LST'ed it it would work


Active Member
yeah i might add another tub on top to make it a lil bigger:)

and white dwarf..
how much do lowryders stink???
ive heard of em but havent gotten a solid answer on how much they reak